Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at public hearings

Appendix 2 - Witnesses who appeared before the Committee at public hearings

Monday 5 August 2002

Furama Hotel Central, Albion Street, Surry Hills, Sydney

National Welfare Rights Network

Mr Michael Raper, Director, Welfare Rights Centre

Ms Jackie Finlay, Liaison Officer

UnitingCare Burnside

Mr Robert Urquhart, Principal Researcher

Ms Karen Bevan, Policy Officer

Australian Council of Social Service

Mr Andrew McCallum, President

Mr Don Siemon, Principal Policy Adviser

Members of the Independent Review into Breaches and Penalties

Professor Dennis Pearce

Professor Julian Disney

People with Disabilities (NSW)

Ms Therese Sands, Senior Policy Officer

Sole Parents’ Union

Ms Kathleen Swinbourne, President

Mr Charles Greenaway

Mr Edward McCartin

Mr Malcolm Pendlebury


Tuesday 6 August 2002

Australian Institute of Management (AIMS), Fitzroy Street, St Kilda, Melbourne

Salvation Army

Captain David Eldridge, Division Social Program Secretary

Major George Lingard, Territorial Social Program

Ms Wilma Gallett, National General Manager, Salvation Army ‘Employment Plus’

Jobs Australia

Mr David Thompson, Chief Executive Officer

Dr May Lam, Policy Officer

Hanover Welfare Services

Mr Michael Horn, Manager, Research and Development

Uniting Church in Australia, Synod of Victoria and Tasmania

Dr Mark Zirnsak, Social Justice Development Officer

Brotherhood of St Laurence

Ms Sally Jope, Research and Policy Project Manager

Department of Family and Community Services


Mr Mark Sullivan, Secretary

Mr David Kalisch, Executive Director, Welfare Reform

Ms Jenny Chadwick, National Manager, Participation Support Branch

Ms Frances Davies, Assistant Secretary, Parenting and Employment Programs Branch

Mr Stephen Erskine, Director, Parenting and Employment Programs Branch, Participation Reform

Ms Donna Phillips, Director, Parenting and Employment Programs Branch, Working Credit Implementation

Mr Ian Sharples, Director, Parenting and Employment Programs Branch, Participation Strategies

Mr John Wadeson, General Manager, Major Projects, Centrelink

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