Appendix 4 - Bibliography

Appendix 4 - Bibliography

This Appendix contains a list of reports of recent reviews, inquiries or commissioned studies into all aspects of nursing in Australia; a list of submissions with helpful bibliographies on nursing; and a list of websites from a range of organisations involved in nursing both in Australia and overseas.

Reports of recent reviews, inquiries or commissioned studies

A Review of the Current Role of Enrolled Nurses in the Aged Care Sector: Future Directions, Working Group on Aged Care Worker Qualifications of the National Aged Care Forum, Department of Health and Aged Care, August 2001.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workforce National Strategic Framework, Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, AHMAC, May 2002.

An Examination of the Role and Function of the Enrolled Nurse and Revision of Competency Standards, Australian Nursing Council, March 2002.

An Overview of Issues in Nursing Education, Johnson, D. and Preston, B, Report to the Evaluations and Investigations Program, Higher Education Division, Department of Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Canberra, October 2000.

Australian Aged Care Nursing: A Critical Review of Education, Training, Recruitment and Retention in Residential and Community Settings, National Review of Nursing Education, 2001.

Discussion Paper, National Review of Nursing Education, December 2001.

Education Strategies for the Midwifery Workforce, NSW Department of Health, 2000.

Education, Training and Professional Support for Rural Nurses: a National Survey of Rural Health Training Units, Association for Australian Rural Nurses, 1998.

Enhanced Role Midwife Project, WA Department of Health, November 2001.

Enhancing Rural and Remote Health Care by making better use of the skills and capacity of nurses: Recommendations from a Workshop on remote and rural nursing practice, A Discussion Paper, National Association of Rural Health Education and Research Organisations, June 2001.

Evaluation of Nurse Labour Force Planning, SA Department of Human Services, 1998.

Factors Influencing the Recruitment and Retention of Rural and Remote Nurses in Queensland, University of Southern Queensland, 2001.

Generating the Educational and Research Priorities of Rural and Remote Area Nurses: Final Report, Charles Sturt University, 1995.

International Mid-Term Review of the Second National Mental Health Plan for Australia, Betts, V and Thornicroft, G, November 2001.

Job Growth and Replacement Needs in Nursing Occupations, Shah, C & Burke, G. Report 01/18 to the Evaluations and Investigations Programme, Higher Education Division, Department of Education, Science and Training, 2001.

Learning Outcomes and Curriculum Development in Major Disciplines: Nursing, Final Report, Australian Universities Teaching Committee, January 2002.

Learning Together: Education and Training Partnerships in Mental Health Service: Final Report, Department of Health and Aged Care, 1999.

Midwifery Workforce Planning for Queensland, Queensland Health, 1998.

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Nursing Forum: an initiative to develop strategies for the recruitment and retention of indigenous peoples in nursing, National Forum for Development of Strategies to Increase the Numbers Of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Nursing, 1997.

National Consistency in Nurse Practitioner Definition and Accreditation Criteria, Australian Nursing Council, 2000.

National Review of Specialist Nurse Education, L.Russell, L.Gething, and P.Convery, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1997.

New Vision, New Direction: Report of the West Australian Study of Nursing and Midwifery, WA Department of Health, 2001 and 2002 Status Plan.

NSW Framework for Maternity Services, NSW Department of Health, 1999.

NSW Midwifery Taskforce Report and Analysis of Responses, NSW Department of Health, 1996.

NSW Nursing Workforce – the Way Forward, NSW Department of Health, 2000.

Nurse Practitioner Project: Final Report of the Steering Committee, NSW Health Department, 1995.

Nurse Recruitment and Retention Committee, Final Report, Department of Human Services Victoria, May 2001 and Government Response, June 2001.

Nursing Education in Australian Universities: Report of the National Review into Nurse Education in the Higher Education Sector – 1994 and beyond, Canberra, 1994, Chair: Professor Janice Reid.

Nursing Recruitment and Retention Ministerial Taskforce, Final Report, Queensland Health, September 1999.

Nursing Recruitment and Retention Taskforce, Final Report, New South Wales Health Department 1996.

Quality of Working Life for Nurses: Report on Qualitative Research, commissioned study, Department of Health and Ageing, 2002.

Quality Wages, Quality Staff, Quality Care – An Analysis of the Nursing Wages Crisis Confronting Australia’s Residential Aged Care Sector, Australian Nursing Federation, 2001.

Recommendations to Develop Strategies for the Recruitment and Retention of Indigenous Peoples in Nursing, CATSIN, August 1998.

Recruitment and Retention of Nurses in Residential Aged Care: Final Report, commissioned study, Department of Health and Ageing, 2002.

Recruitment and Retention of Nurses: Progress Report, June 2001, NSW Health.

Recruitment and Retention of Nurses 2000: Taskgroup Report, SA Department of Human Services, 2000

Reforming Midwifery: A discussion paper on the introduction of Bachelor of Midwifery Programs in Victoria, Australian College of Midwives (Victorian Branch), 1999.

Report on Mental Health Nursing in Western Australia, WA Health Department, 1999.

Report on the New Graduate Midwives Survey, NSW Department of Health, 2000.

Rethinking Nursing: Report of the National Nursing Workforce Forum held in September 1999, Department of Health and Aged Care, 2000.

Review of the Role, Function, Education and Training of assistants in nursing in New South Wales: Final Report, G. Burton and Associates, NSW Department of Health, 1996.

Rural and Remote Nursing Summit: Report, NSW Department of Health, 1998.

Rural Health Stocktake Advisory Paper to the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care, Best, J, March 2000.

Scoping study of the Australian mental health nursing workforce 1999: Final report, M. Clinton, Department of Health and Aged Care, 2001.

Statewide Nursing Skills Audit and Training Needs Analysis, NSW Department of Health, 1995.

Stop Telling Us to Cope!, A report for the NSW Nurses’ Association by the Australian Centre for Industrial Relations Research and Training, May 2002.

Tasmanian Nurse Workforce Planning Project: Final report, Department of Health and Human Services Tasmania, November 2001.

The Feasibility of a National Approach for the Credentialling of Advanced Practice Nurses and the Accreditation of Related Educational Programs, Royal College of Nursing, July 2001.

The Role of Practice Nurses and Nurse Practitioners: Discussion Paper, General Practice Partnership Advisory Council, 2001.

Towards a sustainable supply for Queensland Health’s nursing workforce: Recruitment and planning issues for 2000-2010, Queensland Health Discussion Paper, September 2000.

Victorian Rural Nurse Project: Workforce Database – Final Report, Monash Centre for Rural Health, 1999.

Submissions with useful bibliographies attached

444 – Nurses Board of the ACT

449 – Tasmanian School of Nursing

783 – ACT Focus Group of Specialist Nurses

800 – National Rural Health Alliance

887 – Queensland Nursing Council

891 – NSW Midwives Association

912 – Australian Midwifery Action Project

927 – Royal College of Nursing, Australia

962 – Australian Nursing Federation

Useful websites

This list is not intended to be comprehensive. Many of the sites listed contain links to a wide range of organisations involved with nursing.

Australian Nursing Organisations

Australian College of Critical Care Nurses

Australian College of Midwives Incorporated

Australian Council of Community Nursing Services

Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses

National Enrolled Nurse Association

National Nursing Organisations

National Rural Health Alliance

New South Wales College of Nursing

Nursing Careers Allied Health

Royal College of Nursing, Australia

Australian and New Zealand College of Mental Health Nurses

Commonwealth and State Departments

Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing

Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training

Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs

ACT Health

NSW Health

Queensland Health

Department of Health - Western Australia

Department of Health and Human Services - Tasmania

Department of Health and Community Services - Northern Territory

Department of Human Services - South Australia

Department of Human Services - Victoria

Australian Nurse Registration Authorities

Australian Nursing Council Incorporated

Nurses Board of NSW

Nurses Board of the ACT

Nurses Board of South Australia

Nurses Board of Western Australia

Nursing Board of Tasmania

Queensland Nursing Council

Nurses Board of Victoria

Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) Branches

ANF National Office

New South Wales (NSW Nurses’ Association)

Queensland (Queensland Nurses’ Union)

ANF South Australia

ANF Tasmania

ANF Victoria

ANF Western Australia

International Nursing Organisations

International Council of Nurses

American Nurses Association

Canadian Nurses Association

Royal College of Nursing UK

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (formerly UKCC)

The Nursing Council of New Zealand


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