Appendix 2 - Details of the public hearing

Appendix 2 - Details of the public hearing

A public hearing was held on the Bill on 4 September 1997 in Senate Committee Room 2S1.

Committee Members in attendance

Senator Sue Knowles (Chairman)
Senator Meg Lees (Deputy Chair)
Senator Kay Denman
Senator Alan Eggleston
Senator Michael Forshaw



Australian Health Insurance Association

Mr Russell Schneider, Chief Executive Officer

Community and Public Sector Union

Mr David McKenna, National Industrial Officer

Medibank Private

Mr Ken MacDougall, General Manager, Medibank Private

Health Insurance Commission

Ms Jackie Wood, General Manager, Government Programs
Mr Adrian Kelly, Manager, Industrial Relations
Ms Donna Moody, Manager, Accounting Branch
Ms Ann Stumpf, Principal Legal Adviser, Legal Services

Department of Health and Family Services

Dr John Loy, First Assistant Secretary
Ms Gail Batman, Assistant Secretary

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