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The Committee recommends:

Chapter 3

Recommendation 1: That the decision not to proceed with an epidemiological study be reconsidered. However, any future study should not be limited only to the Allars recommendation that it be undertaken in the context of monitoring past and possible cases of CJD in the recipient community.

Recommendation 2: That the following areas of concern relating to the implementation of the Allars recommendations be addressed:

Chapter 4

Recommendation 3: That should legal action proceed, the documentation requested from the Commonwealth through a discovery or further and better discovery process be complied with in a more expeditious manner than has been the case to date. In complying with such discovery processes the Commonwealth should refrain from adopting a restrictive interpretation of s.135A of the National Health Act.

Recommendation 4: That the process whereby a Department, being a defendant in a legal action taken against the Commonwealth, is placed in the situation of advising on the release (or refusal) of documents to a plaintiff - yet having full access to all documents themselves - is reviewed, so that procedures may be implemented to ensure that the process is transparent and that any conflict of interest, perceived or otherwise, is avoided.

Chapter 5

Recommendation 5: That the settlement offer should not preclude a plaintiff making any future claim in relation to:

Recommendation 6: That, without conceding the likelihood or otherwise of a legal action on psychiatric stress succeeding, in addition to the current settlement offer, the Commonwealth:

Recommendation 7: That recipients who have already accepted the settlement offer would also be eligible for the additional offer as outlined in Recommendation 6, providing they have evidence of psychiatric injury, psychological stress or significant life disturbance.

Recommendation 8: That unapproved recipients, who are formally identified and accepted through the process outlined in Recommendations 2 and 14, be eligible for the settlement arrangements already offered to recipients as well as those outlined in Recommendations 6 and 15.

Recommendation 9: That the Commonwealth formally acknowledge:

Chapter 6

Recommendation 10: That the current eligibility guidelines for the provision of legal aid be revised to ensure that cases, particularly test cases, involving issues of public interest such as those raised in APQ's case be eligible to receive legal aid assistance in the future.

Recommendation 11: That, in future, the determination of legal aid applications should be made in accordance with the guidelines operating at the time the application was submitted. Thus, any variations to eligibility criteria would only apply to applications submitted after such variations had been introduced.

Chapter 7

Recommendation 12: That the Department review all possible tracing methods in an attempt to identify the remaining 190 or so untraced approved recipients.

Recommendation 13: That the coding system being developed for lists of recipients distributed to Blood Banks and organ and tissue agencies be completed as a matter of priority.

Recommendation 14: That the Department allocate resources to tracing unapproved recipients of human-derived pituitary hormones.

Recommendation 15: That once it is established that a person did receive hPG or hGH from the AHPHP, the recipient's status should be of no difference to that of approved recipients. In the event of a dispute between the Department and a person who claims to have received human pituitary derived hormone, the matter should be referred to an independent arbitrator for resolution.

Recommendation 16: That the Department put in place protocols to ensure sympathetic early intervention so that information and assistance is provided to a recipient suspected to have contracted CJD as soon as the recipient's condition becomes known, rather than await official confirmation.

Recommendation 17: That the Department inform the recipient community of the steps to be taken to make an application to the Department for assistance, including the persons to be contacted and the information required, in the event that it is suspected that a person may have contracted CJD.

Recommendation 18: That, in view of the availability of further information (much of which is conflicting in its nature) which may not have been considered by the Allars Inquiry, Professor Margaret Allars be invited to review, with the necessary independent scientific advice, this further information on scientific matters concerning the AHPHP which has become available since the Allars Inquiry reported. If Professor Allars is unavailable, another suitably qualified independent person be invited to undertake the review.

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