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The Australian Democrats agree with many of the recommendations contained in the Majority Report. However, the Australian Democrats disagree in part or in full with a number of the recommendations and make the following amendments, or variations to the recommendations contained in the Majority Report.

Chapter 1

Recommendation 1

The Australian Democrats recommend that the commencement date for the aged care structural reforms be delayed until information concerning all the issues is available, outstanding problems and concerns have been resolved and the impact of the proposed reforms have been fully explored and debated, but no later than 1 January 1998.

Recommendation 2

The Australian Democrats recommend that:

The brief of the Committee should be:

Chapter 2

Recommendation 3

The Australian Democrats recommend that:

Recommendation 5

The Australian Democrats recommend that in determining whether a person is a concessional resident:

Should the Government fail to amend the Bill adequately the Australian Democrats will agree to the following in determining whether a person is a concessional resident:

Recommendation 11

The Australian Democrats recommend that the Government continue appropriate funding for the Home and Community Care program and other community services and housing programs to address the needs of financially disadvantaged Hostel Care level residents that may be affected by the withdrawal of Hostel Care level subsidies.

Chapter 3

Recommendation 17

The Australian Democrats recommend the development of standard form agreements that outline the implied terms and a model agreement that incorporates fundamental rights. Such agreements should take into account the wide diversity of comprehension amongst residents and the difficulty of imposing too rigid agreements on proprietors.

Chapter 4

Recommendation 18

The Australian Democrats do not agree with this recommendation that nursing homes continue to be required to acquit that proportion of their funding expended on nursing and personal care.

Senator John Woodley

(AD, Queensland)

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