Annual reports (No. 1 of 2018)

Annual reports (No. 1 of 2018)

20 March 2018

© Commonwealth of Australia 2018
ISBN 978-1-76010-717-8

View the report as a single document - (PDF 273KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 47KB)

Terms of reference
Allocated portfolios and functions
Requirements and purpose of annual reports

Chapter 2 - Annual reports of Commonwealth departments (PDF 98KB)

Department of Health
Department of Social Services
Department of Human Services

Chapter 3 - Annual reports of Commonwealth entities and companies (PDF 62KB)

Health Portfolio
Social Services Portfolio
Human Services Portfolio

Appendix 1 - Dates relating to the presentation of annual reports between 1 May 2017 and 31 October 2017 (PDF 22KB)

Health Portfolio
Social Services Portfolio
Human Services Portfolio

Appendix 2 - List of additional documents presented to the Senate and referred to the committee that are not required to be examined under Senate Standing Order 25(20) (PDF 15KB)

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