

Chapter 1 - Overview

[1]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, June 2009, Part 1, Section 4.

[2]        Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports, June 2009, Part 1, Section 4.

[3]        Anindilyakwa Land Council, Annual Report 2008-09, addendum to letter of transmittal.

Chapter 2 - Annual reports of departments

[1]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 2–4.

[2]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 28.

[3]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 31.

[4]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 28–31.

[5]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 34.

[6]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 6.

[7]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 162–163.

[8]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 163.

[9]        Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 164–167.

[10]      Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 190–191.

[11]      Department of Health and Ageing Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 2.

[12]      Department of Health and Ageing Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 15.

[13]      Department of Health and Ageing Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 16–19.

[14]      Department of Health and Ageing Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 39.

[15]      Department of Health and Ageing Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 42–48.

[16]      Department of Health and Ageing Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 362–390.

[17]      Department of Health and Ageing, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 382–383.

[18]      Department of Health and Ageing, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 383–385.

[19]      Department of Health and Ageing, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 385.

[20]      Department of Health and Ageing, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 405–422.

[21]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. iv.

[22]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 2.

[23]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 2 and 6–7.

[24]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 3–4.

[25]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 4.

[26]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 8.

[27]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 4.

[28]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 204.

[29]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, p. 71.

[30]      Department of Human Services, Annual Report 2009-2010, pp 218–220.

Chapter 3 - Annual reports of statutory authorities and agencies

[1]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Annual Report 2009-10, p. viii.

[2]        Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Annual Report 2009-10, pp viii–xi.

[3]        Indigenous Business Australia, Annual Report 2009-10, pp 16–7 and 39.

[4]        Indigenous Business Australia, Annual Report 2009-10, pp 4 and 9.

[5]        Indigenous Business Australia, Annual Report 2009-10, p. 8.

[6]        Indigenous Business Australia, Annual Report 2009-10, p. 8.

[7]        Australian Hearing, Annual Report 2009-10, pp 1–3.

[8]        Australian Hearing, Annual Report 2009-10, p. iii.

[9]        Australian Hearing, Annual Report 2009-10, p. iii

[10]      Australian Hearing, Annual Report 2009-10, p. 8.

[11]      Australian Hearing, Annual Report 2009-10, pp 16–17 and 76–96.

[12]      Australian Hearing, Annual Report 2009-10, p. 102.

[13]      Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace, Annual Report 2009-10, p. 1.

[14]      See 'List of Requirements' in Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, June 2010, pp 33–35.

[15]      Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace, Annual Report 2009-10, pp 14–16.

[16]      Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999.

[17]      Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace, Annual Report 2009-10, p. 81.

[18]      Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, Requirements for Annual Reports for Departments, Executive Agencies and FMA Act Bodies, June 2010,  p. 14;

[19]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2009-10, pp iii and 2.

[20]      Centrelink, Annual Report 2009-10, pp 3 and 26.