Aboriginal Hostels Limited 2008-2009

1.121        Aboriginal Hostels Limited (AHL) comprehensive report provides details of its operations, including accommodation services and case studies, across the eight regions in which AHL provides accommodation and assistance.

1.122        AHL reports that their main purpose is to improve the quality of life of Indigenous people by providing affordable and culturally appropriate hostel accommodation to enable them to access education, employment, health and other services. Young Indigenous people are assisted with the provision of secondary and tertiary education hostels, and Indigenous Youth Mobility Program (IYMP) houses to provide environments conducive to good learning outcomes. AHL also supports Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by being one of the largest providers of employment and training - 82 per cent of employees are Indigenous (pp.6, 13).

1.123        AHL's overall bed occupancy rate during 2008-09 was 73 per cent, which compared favourably with the benchmark of 70 per cent. The annual resident survey, in which 612 residents participated, recorded an excellent result with over 90 per cent of hostel residents expressing satisfaction with the standard of services provided (pp.7-8).

1.124        AHL's performance against outcomes and output groups, and financial summaries for the regions are detailed at pp.17-74. A balanced scorecard performance summary outlining perspectives, goals, focus and strategies is also included in the report (pp.42-43).

General Practice Education and Training Limited 2008-2009

1.125        General Practice Education and Training (GPET) reports that the year was characterised by sound performance across a range of areas including recruitment, registrar distribution to meet workforce needs, and Indigenous health training. Recruitment and marketing activities were enhanced to further promote general practice as a career (p.ii).

1.126        GPET reports an all time high of 870 applicants for 2009 and the commencement of 684 new registrars, a record 476 of whom were Australian medical graduates (pp.iii).

1.127        GPET's strategic aims established through the annual strategic review process set the context of target setting and performance assessment, and are outlined in detail in the annual report at pp.2-11.

The Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd 2008-2009

1.128        The annual report of the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency includes an overview setting out the role and functions, structure and governance. Detailed information is provided relating to accreditation and the operations of residential aged care facilities (pp.6‑14).

1.129        Further parts of the report outline education to provide improvement in quality care, stakeholder relationship management, and quality assurance and improvement (pp.16-23).

1.130      Agency performance with progress measured against targets is clearly set out in table format, including initiatives undertaken to achieve outcomes (pp.27-30).

1.131      The agency reports that the Australian Government's requirement that each aged care home receives at least one unannounced visit was met, with 3,538 visits included in this category. During the year a total of 7,595 visits to aged care facilities were made which was a significant increase on the previous year (p.5).

Senator Claire Moore
March 2010

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