Annual reports 2007

Annual reports 2007

22 March 2007

© Commonwealth of Australia 2007
ISBN 978-0-642-71740-5

View the report as a single document - (PDF 216KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

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Membership of the Committee (PDF 105KB)
Report on annual reports (PDF 182KB)

  Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs 2005-2006
  Department of Health and Ageing 2005-2006
Statutory authorities and agencies
  Anindilyakwa Land Council 2005-06
  Australian Institute of Family Studies 2005-2006
  Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2005-2006
  Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency 2005-2006
  Central Land Council 2005-06
  Food Standards Australia New Zealand 2005-2006
  Indigenous Land Corporation 2005-06
  National Blood Authority 2005-06
  National Health and Medical Research Council 2005
  Northern Land Council 2005-06
  Private Health Insurance Administration Council 2005-2006
  Private Health Insurance Ombudsman 2005-2006
  Professional Services Review 2005-2006
  Tiwi Land Council 2005-2006
  Torres Strait Regional Authority 2005-2006
Commonwealth companies
  Aboriginal Hostels Ltd 2005-2006
  The Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd 2005-2006
  General Practice Education and Training Ltd 2005-2006
  Medibank Private Ltd 2005-2006
  National Institute of Clinical Studies 2005-2006

Appendix 1 - List of Annual Reports examined for report by the Committee (PDF 128KB)