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Health Services Australia Ltd. 1997-98

1.74 The report was presented to the President on 29 October 1998 and tabled in the Senate on 10 November 1998 and in the House of Representatives on 11 November 1998, within the required 15 sitting days.

1.75 All reporting requirements are met. This is the first report of Health Services Australia (HSA) – an incorporated Government Business Enterprise. The company, established in July 1997, was formed from the Australian Government Health Service, and provides a comprehensive health assessment and advisory service.

1.76 The report provides a useful business profile of HSA and details of HSA services and client service strategies (pp.9-18). The report also highlights a number of issues in regard to securing its long term commercial viability (pp.7, 24).

Medibank Private Ltd. 1997-98

1.77 The report was tabled in the senate on 25 November 1998 and in the House of Representatives on 24 November 1998, within the required 15 sitting days.

1.78 All reporting requirements are met. This is the first report of Medibank Private Ltd. which became a Government Business Enterprise in May 1998, a company limited by shares, wholly owned by the Commonwealth (p.6). The annual report reports on the operations of the company – Medibank Private Ltd. – since its inception and also reports on fund performance for the full 1997-98 financial year (p.8).

1.79 The report provides a useful overview of the operations of the company. The report provides information on key performance measures and comparative data on the company in relation to other funds in the health insurance industry (pp.4-5). The report also states that Medibank Private recorded a small operating surplus, the first in three years (p.7).

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