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1.1 This report was prepared pursuant to Standing Order 25 (21) relating to the consideration of annual reports by Committees. The Committee notes that as most annual reports referred to it were tabled out of session by 31 October 1998, as the Senate was not sitting during this period due to the Federal election, it proposes to submit only one report on annual reports covering those reports presented to the President of the Senate by that date or tabled subsequently.

1.2 The Committee's examination of annual reports has shown that the reports continue to be of a high standard and most reports have fully addressed the reporting requirements. All the annual reports referred to the Committee were tabled within the required time, except for the annual report of Australian Hearing Services. The presentation and format of the reports is also satisfactory and information is presented in a concise and generally easily accessible manner. Departmental reports, in particular, have continued to focus on refining and developing their performance reporting criteria.

1.3 The Committee is pleased to note that several of the suggestions it made in its last report on annual reports towards improving the format of annual reports, or suggestions that additional information be provided in these reports, have been incorporated in the annual reports examined by the Committee.

1.4 No major deficiencies have been identified in any reports. The Committee, has however, made specific comments on several reports which have failed to provide clear links between strategies, programs and outcomes. The Committee considers that all departments and authorities need to ensure that their annual reports provide these linkages so that the Committee may make an informed judgement on the effectiveness of the relevant agency's performance.

Senator Sue Knowles

March 1999


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