B. Public hearings and witnesses

Friday, 17 February 2017—Canberra

Air Power Australia

Mr Peter Goon, Head of Test and Evaluation
Dr Carlo Kopp, Head of Capability and Strategic Research

Strategic Forum Ltd

Dr Ross Babbage, Chief Executive Officer and Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, Washington DC

National Security College, Australian National University

Dr David Brewster, Senior Research Fellow
Professor Rory Medcalf, Head of College

Department of Defence

Mr Tom Hamilton, First Assistant Secretary, Strategic Policy Division
Major General Gus Gilmore, Head, Military Strategic Commitments Division

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Ms Kathy Klugman, First Assistant Secretary, South and West Asia Division 

Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development

Ms Vicki Middleton, Executive Director, Local Government and Territories Division
Ms Karly Pidgeon, General Manager, Indian Ocean Territories Branch

Department of Immigration and Border Protection

Dr Benjamin Evans, Assistant Secretary, Strategy Branch
Rear Admiral Peter Laver, Commander, Maritime Border Command

Private capacity

Dr Anthony Bergin
Mr Stephen Clay
Dr Malcolm Davis
Mr Julian Yates

Thursday, 23 March 2017—Canberra

Future Directions International

Major General John Hartley AO (Retired), Institute Director
Private capacity
Mr Peter Jennings

Tuesday, 4 April 2017—Christmas Island

Administrator of the Indian Ocean Territories

Mr Barry Haase

Australian Federal Police

Sergeant Steven Wiggins, Territory Controller, Shire of Christmas Island

Chinese Literary Association of Christmas Island

Ms Gee Foo, Secretary

Christmas Island Casino Resort

Mr Michael Asims, Business Development Manager

Christmas Island Tourism Association

Mrs Kirsty Faulkner, Committee Member

Indian Ocean Group Training Association

Mr Daniel Becker, General Manager

Islamic Council of Christmas Island

Mr Gregory McIntosh, Chairman

Parks Australia

Mr Scott Suridge, Park Manager, Christmas Island and Pulu Keeling National Parks

Phosphate Resources Ltd

Mr Mark Brandon-Baker, Consultant
Mr Clive Brown, Chairman

Shire of Christmas Island

Mr David Price, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Gordon Thomson, Shire President, and General Secretary, Union of Christmas Island Workers

Private capacity

Mr Cliff Tindall

Wednesday, 5 April 2017—West Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Cocos Islands Cooperative Society Limited

Mr Ronald Grant, General Manager

Cocos (Keeling) Islands Community Resources Centre

Ms Kelly Edwards, Coordinator

Cocos (Keeling) Islands Tourism Association

Ms Stephanie Hagenbrock, Tourism Manager

Island Petroleum Services

Mr Geoffrey Bennett, Manager

Shire of Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Mr Aaron Bowman, Chief Executive Officer 
Private capacity
Mr Greg Cahill
Mr John Clunies-Ross
Mr Gerald Short

Wednesday, 5 April 2017—Home Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Cocos Islands Cooperative

Mrs Seriwati Iku, Project Manager

Persatuan Islam Pulu Cocos- Cocos Islands Islamic Association

Mr Mohammed Isa Minkom, President

Oceania House

Ms Avril Whyte, Manager

Shire of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands

Mr Aaron Bowman, Chief Executive Officer
Mr Balmut Pirus, President
Ms Jeannette (Ayesha) Young, Shire Councillor

Private capacity

Mr Noom Semat (Nek Nang), through Mr Balmut Pirus, interpreter

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