Government Response

05 Jul 2024: 4 July 2024: Government Response to the Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation: Report No. 1 of the 45th Parliament PDF: 4 July 2024: Government Response to the Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation: Report No. 1 of the 45th Parliament
22 Sep 2021: ASIC: Response to the Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation: Report No. 1 of the 45th Parliament, received 22 September 2021 PDF: ASIC: Response to the Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation: Report No. 1 of the 45th Parliament, received 22 September 2021
14 Nov 2018: Australian Government response to Paliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Report on the 2016-17 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act, received 13 November 2018. PDF: Australian Government response to Paliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Report on the 2016-17 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act, received 13 November 2018.
14 Nov 2018: Australian Government response to Paliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Report on the 2012-13 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act, received 21 June 2017. PDF: Australian Government response to Paliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Report on the 2012-13 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act, received 21 June 2017.
14 Nov 2018: Australian Government response to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation, Report No. 1 of the 44th Parliament, received 21 June 2017. PDF: Australian Government response to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Statutory Oversight of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation, Report No. 1 of the 44th Parliament, received 21 June 2017.
16 May 2018: Australian Government response to Paliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Report on the 2015-16 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act, received 10 May 2017. PDF: Australian Government response to Paliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services report: Report on the 2015-16 annual reports of bodies established under the ASIC Act, received 10 May 2017.

Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3583

About this inquiry

The role of the Committee is to monitor the activities of ASIC, the Takeovers Panel and the Corporations Legislation.

Past Public Hearings

19 Oct 2018: Canberra
18 Oct 2018: Canberra
17 Aug 2018: Melbourne


Inquiry Status

Submissions Closed

How to make a submission

The committee invites individuals and organisations to send in their opinions and proposals in writing (submissions)


If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

Further information regarding accessibility can be found at