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Recommendation 1

2.24      The committee recommends that ASIC acquire empirical evidence of its resource allocation to its educative activities and outcomes of these activities. This information should be more fully publicised in ASIC's regular reports and other media accessed by investors especially retail investors.

Recommendation 2

2.35      The committee recommends that ASIC take steps to use available information to collate and analyse definitions of, and approaches to, financial crime, with a view to developing standard definitions and classifications that can be used across the Commonwealth.

Recommendation 3

2.36      The committee further recommends that ASIC give particular attention to ways of distinguishing between criminal fraud and market failure, and the interventions available to ASIC in each case.

Recommendation 4

3.37      The committee recommends that the government provide the basis on which company registration fees are set and an explanation as to the process of determining late fees.

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