Access for Small and Medium Business to Finance

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Access for Small and Medium Business to Finance

28 April 2011

© Commonwealth of Australia 2011
ISBN 978-1-74229-436-0

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1951KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Members of the Committee (PDF 7KB)
Duties of the Committee (PDF 5KB)
Terms of Reference (PDF 4KB)
Abbreviations (PDF 4KB)
Recommendations (PDF 13KB)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF 98KB)

Terms of reference
Conduct of the inquiry
Note on references
Definition of SMEs
The importance of access to finance for SMEs

Chapter 2 - Business finance and the global financial crisis (PDF 163KB)

The GFC and access to finance
Have SMEs been hit hardest?
Nevertheless, the GFC has meant higher costs
The good old days?

Chapter 3 - Regulatory frameworks (PDF 99KB)

Prudential requirements
Codes of conduct and additional legislative requirements
SME concerns with the regulatory framework
Increased lending costs

Chapter 4 - Competition (PDF 34KB)

The GFC and banking competition
A reduction in competition?
Recent measures to enhance competition

Chapter 5 - Finance for regional SMEs (PDF 65KB)
Chapter 6 - Conclusion (PDF 5KB)
Appendix 1 - Submissions (PDF 3KB)
Appendix 2 - Public hearings (PDF 5KB)
Appendix 3 - Banks that have adopted the Code of Banking Practice[1] (PDF 6KB)
Appendix 4 - Mutuals that have subscribed to the Mutual Banking Code of Practice[1] (PDF 9KB)
Appendix 5 - Agribusiness finance (PDF 64KB)
Appendix 6 - Answers to Questions on Notice* (PDF 1327KB)

* Only available in PDF

For further informatioSn, contact:

Committee Secretary
Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3583
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719