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Recommendation 1

1.21    The committee recommends that the Government assess the value of developing uniform definitions of 'micro', 'small' and 'medium' business to be applied for data gathering, policy development and analysis by Commonwealth and state agencies.

Recommendation 2

3.48    The committee recommends that the Reserve Bank of Australia specifically track the impact of the introduction of Basel III on the cost of small and medium business finance and residential mortgages.

Recommendation 3

3.68    The committee recommends that the Code of Banking Practice and the Mutual Banking Code of Practice be amended to include a standardised notice period for notifying business borrowers of changes to loan terms and conditions that may be materially adverse for them.

Recommendation 4

4.27    The committee recommends that the government undertake further work to explore policy measures which may strengthen the mutual sector as a 'fifth pillar' of the banking system and thereby promote competition.

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