
Joint Standing Committee on Migration

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Inquiry into Multiculturalism in Australia

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The Committee is seeking written submissions from interested persons and organisations preferable sent by email to  The email must include full postal address and contact details.

Alternatively, written submissions may be sent to:

Committee Secretary
Joint Standing Committee on Migration
PO Box 6021
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

The Committee is continuing to conduct hearings during the first half of 2012, and will accept submissions from individuals and organisations that address the terms of reference. If you have any questions about the Inquiry, please contact the Inquiry Secretary on (02) 6277 4560 or (02) 6277 2300.

The Committee can only accept submissions in English.

Please refer to our brochure called preparing a submission for more information. Alternatively, the Committee Secretariat will be able to help you with your inquiries and can be contacted on telephone +61 2 6277 4560 or facsimile +61 2 6277 2219 or by email to

Inquiries from hearing and speech impaired people should be directed to Parliament House TTY number 02 6277 7799. Adobe also provides tools at for the blind and visually impaired to access PDF documents. If you require any special arrangements to enable you to participate in the Committee's inquiry, please contact the Committee Secretariat.

Once the Committee accepts your submission, it becomes a confidential Committee document and is protected by Parliamentary Privilege. You must not release your submission without the Committee's permission. If you do, it will not be protected by Parliamentary Privilege. The Committee normally makes submissions public and places them on its website. Please indicate if you want your submission to be kept confidential.

The Committee encourages submissions to its inquiry from a wide range of individuals and organisations. While we prefer submissions lodged in an original, electronic format, we do not want to exclude contributors who do not have access to computing facilities. Therefore, we will accept submissions in a range of formats which may include typewritten and handwritten documents.

Submissions to this inquiry are listed below in Portable Document Format (PDF). If an alternative format (ie, hard copy or large print) is required, please contact the Committee Secretariat. More submissions will be added to the list when they are received and authorised for publication.

To view or print the submissions, you will need Adobe Acrobat® PDF Reader, which can be downloaded free of charge from Adobe

A submission is posted on the Committee’s web-page after it has been accepted and authorised for publication by the Committee.

There is currently a total of 513 submissions and 22 supplementary submissions in the following list.

  1. W B (PDF 1040KB)
  2. I B (PDF 1042KB)
  3. N H (PDF 981KB)
  4. S L (PDF 1017KB)
  5. Refugee and Migrant Action Group (RAMAG) (PDF 984KB)
  6. Dutch Aged Care - NAASA (PDF 595KB)
  7. C T (PDF 465KB)
  8. Migrant Resource Centre - North West Region (PDF 1157KB)
  9. C R (PDF 625KB)
  10. H J (PDF 535KB)
  11. R C (PDF 545KB)
  12. NSW Government (PDF 2991KB)
  13. Islamic Council of Victoria (PDF 664KB)
  14. Maltese Guild of South Australia Inc. (PDF 566KB)
  15. M R (PDF 453KB)
  16. Limestone Coast Multicultural Network Inc. (PDF 1189KB)
  17. T G (PDF 1282KB)
  18. Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District (PDF 556KB)
  19. Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church (PDF 531KB)
  20. N J (PDF 443KB)
  21. N P (PDF 616KB)
  22. G B (PDF 491KB)
  23. R A (PDF 483KB)
  24. H K (PDF 2097KB)
  25. Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc (PDF 545KB)
  26. 25.1 Supplementary to submission 25
    Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc (PDF 2122KB)

  27. J M (PDF 489KB)
  28. P C (PDF 487KB)
  30. I B (PDF 451KB)
  31. Name Withheld (PDF 441KB)
  32. The Migrant Hub Inc (PDF 1537KB)
  33. N U (PDF 530KB)
  34. H W (PDF 476KB)
  35. D & J S (PDF 440KB)
  36. K B (PDF 509KB)
  37. D S (PDF 486KB)
  38. P & L W (PDF 444KB)
  39. G S (PDF 474KB)
  40. C M (PDF 440KB)
  41. A S (PDF 482KB)
  42. M T (PDF 467KB)
  43. J B (PDF 445KB)
  44. F O (PDF 461KB)
  45. T T (PDF 475KB)
  46. Dealing with Diversity (PDF 77KB)
  47. Executive Council of Australian Jewry Inc. (PDF 898KB)
  48. P V (PDF 485KB)
  49. B B (PDF 475KB)
  50. D A (PDF 450KB)
  51. D M (PDF 444KB)
  52. A O (PDF 454KB)
  53. R C (PDF 442KB)
  54. A R (PDF 450KB)
  55. B H (PDF 445KB)
  56. B M (PDF 468KB)
  57. R P (PDF 497KB)
  58. A C (PDF 494KB)
  59. J W (PDF 491KB)
  60. I P (PDF 988KB)
  61. R A (PDF 439KB)
  62. Australian Baha'i Community (PDF 2167KB)
  63. D M (PDF 444KB)
  64. R G (PDF 451KB)
  65. Name Withheld (PDF 447KB)
  66. I C (PDF 582KB)
  67. Canberra Multicultural Community Forum (CMCF) Inc (PDF 908KB)
  68. T B (PDF 491KB)
  69. International Friendship Group of Bathurst (PDF 562KB)
  70. J H (PDF 438KB)
  71. J H (PDF 452KB)
  72. Assisting Collaborative Community Employment Support Services Incorporated (ACCES Services Inc) (PDF 670KB)
  73. F M (PDF 442KB)
  74. 3ZZZ (PDF 1353KB)
  75. J M (PDF 451KB)
  76. Serbian Orthodox Youth Association Inc. (PDF 594KB)
  77. Football United (PDF 1231KB)
  78. Senator Cory Bernardi (PDF 544KB)
  79. K L (PDF 462KB)
  80. Religions, Ethics and Education Network of Australia (REENA) (PDF 441KB)
  81. Gateway Presbyterian Charge (PDF 589KB)
  82. Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (PDF 2768KB)
  83. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Social Inclusion Unit (PDF 1048KB)
  84. Department of Human Services (PDF 596KB)
  85. 83.1 Supplementary to submission 83
    Department of Human Services (PDF 89KB)

    83.2 Supplementary to submission 83
    Department of Human Services (PDF 533KB)

  86. Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (PDF 575KB)
  87. Special Broadcasting Service Corporation (SBS) (PDF 908KB)
  88. Ethnic Communities' Council of Queensland (PDF 895KB)
  89. V C-P (PDF 569KB)
  90. The United Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation of Canberra & Surrounding Districts, Inc (PDF 572KB)
  91. Royal Women's Hospital, Melbourne (PDF 601KB)
  92. Queensland Shelter (PDF 659KB)
  93. The Migration Institute of Australia Limited (PDF 868KB)
  94. P N (PDF 454KB)
  95. N S (PDF 454KB)
  96. KommonGround Incorporated (PDF 577KB)
  97. S C (PDF 477KB)
  98. M & L C (PDF 442KB)
  99. I Y (PDF 486KB)
  100. J K (PDF 638KB)
  101. Multicultural Communities Council of SA (PDF 575KB)
  102. Dr James Jupp AM (PDF 661KB)
  103. Cultural Diversity Services Pty Ltd (PDF 583KB)
  104. 101.1 Supplementary to submission 101
    Cultural Diversity Services Pty Ltd (PDF 170KB)

  105. The University of Adelaide (PDF 729KB)
  106. S S (PDF 451KB)
  107. E & G G (PDF 482KB)
  108. Ethnic Communities' Council of NSW (PDF 585KB)
  109. Spectrum Migrant Resource Centre (SMRC) (PDF 667KB)
  110. Metro Migrant Resource Centre (PDF 5476KB)
  111. The Migrant Centre Organisation Inc. (PDF 507KB)
  112. Louise Multicultural Community Centre (PDF 525KB)
  113. Federation of Indian Communities of Queensland (PDF 445KB)
  114. The NSW Spanish and Latin American Association For Social Assistance (PDF 680KB)
  115. The Anglican Church of Australia (ACA) (PDF 531KB)
  116. Sydney Multicultural Community Services (PDF 689KB)
  117. Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne & Victoria (PDF 2266KB)
  118. Fairfield City Council (PDF 1154KB)
  119. 115.1 Supplementary to submission 115
    Fairfield City Council (PDF 212KB)

  120. Strathalbyn Caledonian Society Inc (PDF 537KB)
  121. National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) (PDF 606KB)
  122. Adult Multicultural Education Service (PDF 996KB)
  123. Beasley Intercultural Pty Ltd (PDF 619KB)
  124. K K-E (PDF 439KB)
  125. Name Withheld (PDF 445KB)
  126. J V (PDF 946KB)
  127. The Ethnic Schools Association of SA Inc (PDF 1043KB)
  128. Chinese Australian Services Society Cooperative Ltd (CASS) (PDF 608KB)
  129. Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils (PDF 569KB)
  130. L W-E (PDF 887KB)
  131. J C (PDF 449KB)
  132. M G & others (PDF 1557KB)
  133. Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council (PDF 601KB)
  134. D H (PDF 884KB)
  135. NSW Teachers Federation (PDF 2170KB)
  136. P M (PDF 440KB)
  137. A R (PDF 536KB)
  138. J S (PDF 1446KB)
  139. NSW Department of Education and Communities (PDF 4278KB)
  140. Stable Population Party of Australia (PDF 1279KB)
  143. A H (PDF 444KB)
  144. ACT Government (PDF 2960KB)
  145. Presbyterian Church of Australia (PDF 2211KB)
  146. A C (PDF 1530KB)
  147. A H (PDF 484KB)
  148. I F (PDF 468KB)
  149. K G (PDF 442KB)
  150. S S (PDF 891KB)
  151. Mr Andrew Leigh MP (PDF 804KB)
  152. G & J L (PDF 475KB)
  153. K C (PDF 441KB)
  154. R P (PDF 439KB)
  155. R B (PDF 478KB)
  156. D N (PDF 452KB)
  157. D R (PDF 438KB)
  158. H M (PDF 439KB)
  159. D B (PDF 443KB)
  160. J W (PDF 447KB)
  161. R M (PDF 526KB)
  162. N R (PDF 490KB)
  163. P R (PDF 443KB)
  164. G W (PDF 437KB)
  165. D F (PDF 438KB)
  166. J C (PDF 486KB)
  167. G & S B (PDF 491KB)
  168. V P (PDF 440KB)
  169. P F (PDF 1930KB)
  170. F W (PDF 438KB)
  171. U B (PDF 486KB)
  172. P G (PDF 480KB)
  173. N H (PDF 440KB)
  174. M R (PDF 442KB)
  175. K S (PDF 439KB)
  176. H F (PDF 449KB)
  177. S F (PDF 456KB)
  178. E W (PDF 443KB)
  179. T D (PDF 527KB)
  180. Federation of Ethnic Communities' Councils of Australia (PDF 1378KB)
  181. S F (PDF 571KB)
  182. S G (PDF 439KB)
  183. G L (PDF 439KB)
  184. A v d L (PDF 447KB)
  185. B C (PDF 477KB)
  186. 181.1 Supplementary to submission 181
    B C (PDF 107KB)

  187. A F (PDF 468KB)
  188. D T (PDF 483KB)
  189. S H (PDF 439KB)
  190. R H (PDF 565KB)
  191. E S (PDF 490KB)
  192. E I (PDF 453KB)
  193. A R (PDF 439KB)
  194. R G (PDF 483KB)
  195. J S (PDF 700KB)
  196. R K (PDF 437KB)
  197. G P (PDF 460KB)
  198. M W (PDF 460KB)
  199. J L (PDF 440KB)
  200. B M (PDF 527KB)
  201. Name Withheld (PDF 650KB)
  202. M A (PDF 846KB)
  203. A S (PDF 439KB)
  204. D E (PDF 482KB)
  205. Name Withheld (PDF 566KB)
  206. L G (PDF 445KB)
  207. M W (PDF 444KB)
  208. D H (PDF 464KB)
  209. S B (PDF 1334KB)
  210. Endeavour Forum Inc (PDF 698KB)
  211. M D (PDF 507KB)
  212. T D (PDF 479KB)
  213. P S (PDF 488KB)
  214. N F (PDF 440KB)
  215. J S (PDF 440KB)
  216. B C (PDF 470KB)
  217. T W (PDF 489KB)
  218. M B (PDF 448KB)
  219. T T (PDF 493KB)
  220. D S (PDF 440KB)
  221. J C (PDF 439KB)
  222. G L (PDF 443KB)
  223. D S (PDF 521KB)
  224. C T (PDF 566KB)
  225. R W (PDF 543KB)
  226. D C (PDF 567KB)
  227. B S (PDF 522KB)
  228. D G (PDF 576KB)
  230. M H (PDF 522KB)
  231. D M (PDF 531KB)
  232. M L (PDF 525KB)
  233. Lifemessenger Inc (PDF 529KB)
  234. B & J C (PDF 526KB)
  235. B F (PDF 529KB)
  236. J P (PDF 451KB)
  237. D C (PDF 529KB)
  238. M D (PDF 642KB)
  239. J S (PDF 566KB)
  240. J T (PDF 598KB)
  241. J M (PDF 528KB)
  242. D P (PDF 527KB)
  244. J & J A (PDF 534KB)
  245. J & J B (PDF 617KB)
  246. K E (PDF 579KB)
  247. B P (PDF 540KB)
  248. W & J B (PDF 570KB)
  249. R C (PDF 533KB)
  250. Healinglife Church and Ministries Inc (PDF 560KB)
  251. M H (PDF 657KB)
  252. W R (PDF 541KB)
  253. G F (PDF 577KB)
  254. G D (PDF 675KB)
  255. E T (PDF 530KB)
  256. S R (PDF 529KB)
  257. Australian Defence League (PDF 790KB)
  258. 252.1 Supplementary to submission 252
    Australian Defence League (PDF 98KB)

  259. Salt Shakers (PDF 547KB)
  260. 253.1 Supplementary to submission 253
    Salt Shakers (PDF 1869KB)

  261. V R (PDF 542KB)
  262. J M (PDF 579KB)
  263. Christian Democratic Party (PDF 672KB)
  264. P H (PDF 528KB)
  265. P & L N (PDF 566KB)
  266. S M (PDF 453KB)
  267. M E (PDF 538KB)
  268. D & B F (PDF 490KB)
  269. T A (PDF 125KB)
  270. A G (PDF 451KB)
  271. H K (PDF 536KB)
  272. R P (PDF 568KB)
  273. N G (PDF 529KB)
  274. T B (PDF 529KB)
  275. C H (PDF 497KB)
  276. P H (PDF 569KB)
  277. W W (PDF 558KB)
  278. D & A P (PDF 457KB)
  279. H E (PDF 557KB)
  280. K S (PDF 528KB)
  281. A M (PDF 618KB)
  282. M F (PDF 574KB)
  283. P B (PDF 529KB)
  284. B M (PDF 544KB)
  285. J P (PDF 533KB)
  286. J T (PDF 9077KB)
  287. B F (PDF 554KB)
  288. S K (PDF 561KB)
  289. G K (PDF 526KB)
  290. A K (PDF 526KB)
  291. V B (PDF 528KB)
  292. P B (PDF 530KB)
  293. T T (PDF 531KB)
  294. S C (PDF 154KB)
  295. I P (PDF 536KB)
  296. R J (PDF 526KB)
  298. M & L L (PDF 530KB)
  299. G D (PDF 566KB)
  300. L P (PDF 549KB)
  301. R G (PDF 569KB)
  302. E E (PDF 534KB)
  303. B & N G (PDF 571KB)
  304. R P (PDF 600KB)
  305. D A (PDF 890KB)
  306. Family Council of Victoria (PDF 679KB)
  307. Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) (PDF 912KB)
  308. J P (PDF 529KB)
  309. H B (PDF 830KB)
  310. P M-E (PDF 563KB)
  311. G H (PDF 605KB)
  312. L D (PDF 527KB)
  313. C R (PDF 526KB)
  314. T H (PDF 537KB)
  315. A D (PDF 556KB)
  316. K W (PDF 527KB)
  317. M G (PDF 540KB)
  318. P S (PDF 590KB)
  319. J B (PDF 536KB)
  320. 312.1 Supplementary to submission 312
    J B (PDF 534KB)

  321. P D (PDF 543KB)
  322. P I (PDF 523KB)
  323. M H (PDF 529KB)
  324. F B (PDF 526KB)
  325. M M (PDF 595KB)
  326. A M (PDF 527KB)
  327. S D (PDF 550KB)
  328. G B (PDF 650KB)
  329. Wangaratta Congregation- Presbyterian Reformed Church Australia (PDF 527KB)
  330. D & L A (PDF 526KB)
  331. P J (PDF 555KB)
  332. M S (PDF 560KB)
  333. R T (PDF 501KB)
  334. S L (PDF 525KB)
  335. M R (PDF 541KB)
  336. D G (PDF 562KB)
  337. S G (PDF 526KB)
  338. M A (PDF 529KB)
  339. K F (PDF 452KB)
  340. K B (PDF 579KB)
  341. C M (PDF 528KB)
  342. D R (PDF 791KB)
  343. Q Society of Australia Inc (PDF 627KB)
  344. 335.1 Supplementary to submission 335
    Q Society of Australia Inc (PDF 352KB)

    335.2 Supplementary to submission 335
    Q Society of Australia Inc (PDF 274KB)

  345. K S (PDF 468KB)
  346. L M (PDF 526KB)
  347. E O (PDF 524KB)
  348. E G (PDF 534KB)
  349. Ethnic Communities' Council of Victoria Inc (PDF 565KB)
  350. Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (PDF 587KB)
  351. Federation of Indian Associations of ACT (PDF 590KB)
  352. J H (PDF 601KB)
  353. Skills Australia (PDF 1895KB)
  354. Fairfield Migrant Interagency (PDF 593KB)
  355. Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast (PDF 699KB)
  356. North Yarra Community Health (PDF 589KB)
  357. D L (PDF 556KB)
  358. Monaro Family Support Service (PDF 514KB)
  359. J K (PDF 438KB)
  360. Multicultural Problem Gambling Service for NSW (PDF 514KB)
  361. R A (PDF 438KB)
  362. ANU College of Law (PDF 780KB)
  363. R B (PDF 473KB)
  364. South Eastern Region Migrant Resource Centre (PDF 639KB)
  365. City of Ballarat (PDF 871KB)
  366. Australia / Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (PDF 953KB)
  367. S T (PDF 439KB)
  368. M & J P (PDF 439KB)
  369. P P (PDF 468KB)
  370. D A (PDF 442KB)
  371. J W (PDF 445KB)
  372. P W (PDF 522KB)
  373. C G (PDF 438KB)
  374. J L (PDF 438KB)
  375. L & D N (PDF 558KB)
  376. J P (PDF 445KB)
  377. J & J C (PDF 438KB)
  378. FAIR-GO Australia (PDF 1216KB)
  379. B V (PDF 472KB)
  380. J H (PDF 447KB)
  381. M O (PDF 462KB)
  382. T G (PDF 1583KB)
  383. D H (PDF 448KB)
  384. D N (PDF 447KB)
  385. M W (PDF 499KB)
  386. A J (PDF 471KB)
  387. J L (PDF 442KB)
  388. G M (PDF 531KB)
  389. F S (PDF 506KB)
  390. W R (PDF 461KB)
  391. E & L B (PDF 468KB)
  393. S V (PDF 443KB)
  394. Community Relations Commission (PDF 643KB)
  395. Centre for Dialogue (PDF 731KB)
  396. City of Greater Geelong (PDF 2568KB)
  397. Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) (PDF 1805KB)
  398. O B (PDF 606KB)
  399. M A (PDF 482KB)
  400. Transcultural Mental Health Centre (TMHC) (PDF 492KB)
  401. Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (PDF 626KB)
  402. 392.1 Supplementary to submission 392
    Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network (PDF 146KB)

  403. George Street Neighbourhood Centre Assoc. Inc. (PDF 736KB)
  404. Darebin City Council (PDF 1457KB)
  405. Australian Youth Affairs Coalition (PDF 578KB)
  406. Australian National University College of Law (PDF 517KB)
  407. Multicultural Mental Health Australia (PDF 2533KB)
  408. Brotherhood of St Laurence (PDF 588KB)
  409. 398.1 Supplementary to submission 398
    Brotherhood of St Laurence (PDF 261KB)

  410. Australian Multicultural Advisory Council (AMAC) (PDF 509KB)
  411. Geelong Interfaith Network Inc. (PDF 3685KB)
  412. Settlement Council of Australia (PDF 571KB)
  413. 401.1 Supplementary to submission 401
    Settlement Council of Australia (PDF 180KB)

  414. Springvale Monash Legal Service Inc. (PDF 527KB)
  415. The Islamic Women's Welfare Association (PDF 1895KB)
  416. Fairfield Migrant Resource Centre (PDF 1104KB)
  417. R C (PDF 464KB)
  418. K P (PDF 468KB)
  419. I C (PDF 448KB)
  420. African Think Tank (PDF 699KB)
  421. The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture Inc (PDF 541KB)
  422. D C (PDF 612KB)
  423. G A (PDF 455KB)
  424. Diversity Health Institute (PDF 506KB)
  425. United Nations Association of Australia (Victorian Division) (PDF 618KB)
  426. Liberty Victoria (PDF 619KB)
  427. Multicultural Council of Tasmania (PDF 535KB)
  428. Refugee Council of Australia (PDF 775KB)
  429. Employment Action for Cultural Diversity (PDF 1051KB)
  430. Maltese Community Council of Victoria (PDF 554KB)
  431. Australian Education Union- Federal Office (PDF 565KB)
  432. Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Research Centre, Prof Andrew Jakubowicz (PDF 715KB)
  433. Multicultural Development Association (PDF 1899KB)
  434. Australian Psychological Society (APS) (PDF 818KB)
  435. Australian Human Rights Commission (PDF 536KB)
  436. Cultural Infusion Ltd (PDF 814KB)
  437. Australian Immigrant and Refugee Women Alliance (PDF 812KB)
  438. Centre for Human Rights Education (PDF 534KB)
  439. Chaldean Community (PDF 525KB)
  440. RISE: Refugees, Survivors & Ex-Detainees (PDF 2065KB)
  441. The Social Studio (PDF 575KB)
  442. Victorian Refugee Health Network (PDF 574KB)
  443. J C (PDF 454KB)
  444. S C (PDF 546KB)
  445. R M (PDF 446KB)
  446. S M (PDF 482KB)
  447. R H (PDF 467KB)
  448. J F (PDF 1180KB)
  449. H A (PDF 482KB)
  450. P A (PDF 478KB)
  451. Northern Territory Government (PDF 2238KB)
  452. Canterbury City Council (PDF 875KB)
  453. Tasmanian Government (PDF 8594KB)
  454. P M & others (PDF 485KB)
  455. J C (PDF 509KB)
  456. G K (PDF 528KB)
  457. P M (PDF 448KB)
  458. City of Whittlesea (PDF 956KB)
  459. M L (PDF 1515KB)
  460. Moreland City Council (PDF 478KB)
  461. B W (PDF 535KB)
  462. Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 889KB)
  463. 450.1 Supplementary to submission 450
    Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 740KB)

    450.2 Supplementary to submission 450
    Department of Immigration and Citizenship (PDF 137KB)

  464. R S (PDF 592KB)
  465. C d R (PDF 439KB)
  466. Maribyrnong City Council (PDF 538KB)
  467. G C (PDF 476KB)
  468. C G (PDF 799KB)
  469. T H (PDF 170KB)
  470. R F (PDF 469KB)
  471. Save Our SBS Inc (PDF 721KB)
  472. Palliative Care Victoria (PDF 567KB)
  473. Australia India Society of VIC Inc (PDF 811KB)
  474. M S (PDF 531KB)
  475. D W (PDF 90KB)
  476. R H (PDF 150KB)
  477. Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council Inc (PDF 234KB)
  478. Municipal Association of Victoria (PDF 198KB)
  479. Melbourne Fringe (PDF 392KB)
  480. L P (PDF 194KB)
  481. Australian Greek Welfare Society (PDF 127KB)
  482. Monash City Council (PDF 5480KB)
  483. Government of South Australia (PDF 491KB)
  484. D P (PDF 102KB)
  485. United Macedonian Diaspora (PDF 292KB)
  486. Kultour (PDF 569KB)
  487. Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 806KB)
  488. 474.1 Supplementary to submission 474
    Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (PDF 12074KB)

  489. Cross Cultural Communications and Management (PDF 729KB)
  490. H R (PDF 10790KB)
  491. D G (PDF 340KB)
  492. P F (PDF 93KB)
  493. Pluralists For A Referendum (PDF 2659KB)
  494. 479.1 Supplementary to submission 479
    Pluralists For A Referendum (PDF 25204KB)

  495. VicHealth (PDF 818KB)
  496. M B (PDF 1570KB)
  497. Victorian Government (PDF 241KB)
  498. R P (PDF 447KB)
  499. Educational Testing Service (PDF 712KB)
  500. OriginsInfo (PDF 585KB)
  501. Tenison Woods College (PDF 233KB)
  502. R K (PDF 490KB)
  503. National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters' Council (PDF 681KB)
  504. 488.1 Supplementary to submission 488
    National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters' Council (PDF 324KB)

  505. Job Prospects (PDF 558KB)
  506. J T (PDF 459KB)
  507. T L (PDF 584KB)
  508. Australia India Business Council (PDF 1436KB)
  509. South East Melbourn Manufacturers Alliance Inc (SEMMA) (PDF 664KB)
  510. The Hills Holroyd Parramatta Migrant Resource Centre (PDF 1199KB)
  511. R S (PDF 14705KB)
  512. Jesuit Social Services (PDF 313KB)
  513. The Forum of Australian Services for Survivors of Torture and Trauma (PDF 712KB)
  514. Migrant Resource Centre, Southern Tasmania Inc (PDF 149KB)
  515. Ms Yabbo Thompson (PDF 121KB)
  516. 499.1 Supplementary to submission 499
    Ms Yabbo Thompson (PDF 99KB)

  518. Attorney-General's Department (PDF 904KB)
  519. 501.1 Supplementary to submission 501
    Attorney-General's Department (PDF 152KB)

    501.2 Supplementary to submission 501

  520. Australian Electoral Commission (PDF 1773KB)
  522. Anja Burkhardt and Markus Seifert(PDF 300KB)
  523. Professor Graeme Hugo (PDF 542KB)
  524. K D (PDF 89KB)
  525. Garah Branch of NSW Farmers Association (PDF 306KB)
  527. United Voice of the Pacific (PDF 270KB)
  528. P G (PDF 63KB)
  529. Bluestar Intercultural Centre (PDF 399KB)
  530. D K (PDF 99KB)
  531. P B (PDF 43KB)