Terms of Reference

Joint Standing Committee on Migration

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Committee activities (inquiries and reports)

Inquiry into Multiculturalism in Australia

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Terms of Reference

The Joint Standing Committee on Migration shall inquire into the economic, social and cultural impacts of migration in Australia and make recommendations to maximise the positive effects of migration. The inquiry shall examine and report on:

Multiculturalism, social inclusion and globalisation

  1. The role of multiculturalism in the Federal Government’s social inclusion agenda; and

  2. The contribution of diaspora communities to Australia’s relationships with Europe, the UK, Middle East and the immediate Asia-Pacific Region.

Settlement and participation

  1. Innovative ideas for settlement programs for new migrants, including refugees, that support their full participation and integration into the broader Australian society; and

  2. Incentives to promote long term settlement patterns that achieve greater social and economic benefits for Australian society as a whole.

National productive capacity

  1. The role migration has played and contributes to building Australia’s long term productive capacity;

  2. The profile of skilled migration to Australia and the extent to which Australia is fully utilising the skills of all migrants; and

  3. Potential government initiatives to better assist migrant communities establish business enterprises.