Treaties tabled on 12 May 2004

Treaties tabled on 12 May 2004

A watching brief

The Treaties Committee is empowered by its resolution of appointment to inquire into and report on 'matters arising from treaties and related National Interest Analysis and proposed treaty actions presented or deemed to be presented to the Parliament.'

As nearly all treaty actions proposed by the Australian Government are tabled in Parliament, this type of review activity accounts for much of the Committee's work.

The Committee invites interested persons and organisations to make submissions addressing the terms of reference by 17 March 2004. In order to facilitate electronic publishing of submissions, the committee would prefer them to be or sent on disk to the secretariat, if possible.

The treaty text and the Guide to theAustralia-Thailand free Trade Agreement, and Associated Exchanges of Letters can be downloaded from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website at Please be aware that the file sizes for the documents may cause delays with downloading. At this stage hard copies of the treaty are not available from the committee secretariat.

Terms of reference/Treaties Text

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