Tabled on 12 March 2002

Joint Standing Committee on Treaties

Review of treaties

Tabled on 12 March 2002

Committee Report

For a Pdf copy of the Report click here

National Interest Analyses and Treaty texts

By clicking on the treaty title a PDF version of the National Interest Analysis will automatically download.

Bilateral Agreements

  • Agreement with France on the Employment of Dependants of Agents of Official Missions, Treaty Text.
  • Agreement with Uruguay on Promotion and Protection of Investments, Treaty Text
  • Agreement with Egypt on the Promotion and Protection of Investments, Treaty Text
  • Exchange of Letters with New Zealand amending the Agreement establishing a System for the Development of Joint Food Standards, Treaty Text, Regulation Impact Statement
  • Agreement with the Kyrgyz Republic concerning the Status of Forces in the Kyrgyz Republic, Treaty Text
  • Exchange of Notes amending the Social Security Agreement with New Zealand, Treaty Text
  • Agreement with the United States on Social Security, Treaty Text, Regulation Impact Statement, Administrative Arrangements
  • Agreement with the Netherlands on Mutual Administrative Assistance for the Application of Customs Law and for the Prevention, investigation and Combating of Customs Offences, Treaty Text
  • Protocol to the Double Taxation Agreement with the United States, Treaty Text, Regulation Impact Statement.
  • Multilateral Agreements

  • Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations (PACER), Treaty text
  • International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings, Treaty text
  • Convention on Jurisdiction, Applicable Law, Recognition, Enforcement and Cooperation in Respect of Parental Responsibilities and measures for the Protection of Children, Treaty Text
  • Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European Region, Treaty Text
  • Copies of the National Interest Analyses, treaty texts and where appropriate Regulation Impact statements or Administrative Arrangements for these proposed treaty actions, can also be obtained from the Committee Secretariat.

    The Committee would welcome written submissions from anyone who wishes to comment on the purpose or content of any of these treaty actions. Submisions in hardcopy form should addressed to the Committee Secretariat, or in electronic form to the Committee's email address below.

    Media Releases

    Public hearings - Schedule/Transcripts
