House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs will inquire into and report on the provisions and operation of the Carer Recognition Act 2010 (the Act) in relation to unpaid carers, with a view to reform through legislative amendment. Limited to the Objects of the current Act, the inquiry will have regard to:
- the effectiveness of the Act and the associated Statement of Australia’s Carers in raising recognition and awareness of the unpaid caring role, including its obligations on public service agencies
- developments in the policy landscape at a Commonwealth level since the Act’s passage in 2010
- the effectiveness of existing state, territory and international recognition of unpaid care (statutory or other practice)
- how to better identify the role of unpaid carers in Australian society and the role of a reformed Act, with regard to:
- understanding the value of unpaid care,
- the needs of specific cohorts such as young carers, First Nations carers, LGBTIQA+ carers, or culturally and linguistically diverse carers,
- the meaningful role that flexible workplaces play in unpaid care, and
- the Government’s broad agenda in relation to the care and support economy, the importance of employment participation, and a strong focus on gender equity, and
- any other related matters, noting that the adequacy of payments for carers is out of scope for this inquiry.
In conduct of the inquiry, the Committee should consider:
- the views of individual unpaid carers, carers representatives and advocacy organisations, broader representation that relate to unpaid care, not limited to people with disability, women’s organisations, family, organisations, and community service providers,
- where possible, the submissions and evidence presented to the Senate Select Committee on Work and Care, in addition to the interim and final reports, including all relevant recommendations to the terms of reference of this inquiry, to reduce duplication.