Environment and Heritage portfolio

Budget Estimates 2006-2007 - May 2006

Environment and Heritage portfolio

Index of questions taken on notice  
Thursday, 25 May  (PDF 252KB)   (Word 215KB)

Documents tabled
Senator McLucas, copy of the Minister's press release C109/06, dated 25 May 2006, titled Does Labor want to mine Antarctica? (PDF 53KB)

The Minister, copy of a Department of Sustainability and Environment (Vic) document entitled Flora & Fauna Guarantee Action Statement #43 Orange-bellied Parrot  (PDF 937KB)

The Minister, a copy of an undated letter he sent to the electors of McMillan prior to the last federal election  (PDF 80KB)

Senator Carr, copies of three emails:
i) dated 7 April 2006, sent 10.11 am, from Ian Smales to Ashley Stephens
ii) dated 7 April 2006, sent 10. 28 am from Ashley Stephens to Ian Smales, and
iii) dated 7 April 2006, sent 10.53 am from Ian Smales to Ashley Stephens  (PDF 75KB)

The Minister, copies of two letters and a doorstop transcript:
i) letter from Mr Mark Latham, Leader of the Opposition, dated 31 August 2004
ii) letter from Mr Christian Zahra MP dated 10 September 2004
iii) transcript of doorstop with Federal lab or Leader Mark Latham, Perth, 27 September 2004 re Election Campaign 2004  (PDF 886KB)

The Minister, for incorporation into Hansard a copy of an email, tabled earlier by Senator Carr, dated 7 April 2006, sent at 10.11 am, with certain passages underlined  (PDF 65KB)

Additional Information
The Minister, copy of Minister's correspondence to Ms Woods, dated 15 March 2005 re natural resources management plan for Cape York Peninsula  (PDF 113KB)

Department of Environment & Heritage
Approvals and Wildlife Division  (RTF 125KB)
     qon 5: Attachment 1  (PDF 2476KB);  Attachment 2  (PDF 3373KB)
     qon 6:  Attachment  (PDF 338KB)
     qon 10: Attachment  (PDF 684KB)
     qon 13: Attachment  (PDF 1172KB)
     qon 24: Attachment  (PDF 322KB)
Australian Antarctic Division  (RTF 16KB)
Corporate Strategies Division   (RTF 245KB)
Executive Policy Adviser  (RTF 19KB)
Environment Quality Division   (RTF 22KB)
Industry, Communities and Energy Division  (RTF 22KB)
International, Land and Analysis Division  (RTF 17KB)
International, Land and Analysis Division AND Bureau of Meteorology  (RTF 17KB)
Land, Water and Coasts Division  (RTF 30KB)
Marine Division  (RTF 40KB)
Natural Resource Management Programmes Division  (RTF 82KB)
Parks Australia Division  (RTF 20KB)
Policy Coordination Division   (RTF 36KB)
Supervising Scientist Division   (RTF 46KB)

Bureau of Meteorology   (RTF 23KB)
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (RTF 78KB)
     qon 42: Attachment 1  (RTF 181KB);  Attachment 2  (RTF 43KB)
     qon 44: Attachment   (PDF 286KB)
Office of Renewable Energy Regulator  (RTF 29KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Environment, Communications and the Arts
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3526
Fax: +61 2 6277 5818
Email: ecita.sen@aph.gov.au