Speeches and presentations

Speeches and presentations are listed in date order, with the most recent first.


  • Budget Insights: Trends in personal income tax [Dr Cameron Chisholm]
    Presentation on 15 March 2023, watch the presentation (YouTube)



  • Bracket creep and its fiscal impact [Dr Cameron Chisholm]
    Presentation at the Australian Conference of Economists, 11 July 2022



  • Insights into the Parliamentary Budget Office [Stein Helgeby, Parliamentary Budget Officer]
    Presentation to the Senate Occasional Lecture Series, 12 November 2021
    • View the full presentation here.
      Presentation slides with notes: PDF icon (4.91 MB)
  • Fiscal sustainability[Stein Helgeby, Parliamentary Budget Officer]
    Presentation to the Parliamentary Library seminar series address, 15 September 2021
  • JobSeeker Payment: Understanding economic and policy trends affecting Commonwealth expenditure
    Presentation to the 2021 Australian Conference of Economists (ACE), 14 July 2021
    Powerpoint icon (2.55 MB)



  • Maintaining trust in the parliamentary process
     Presentation to 15th Biennial Australasian Council of Public Accounts Committees Conference, 7 November 2019
      PDF icon 533 KB
  • Establishing a Parliamentary Budget Office - the Australian experience
    Presentation to the New Zealand Treasury, New Zealand, 23 September 2019
     PDF icon 8,075 KB
  • Striving for influence: the importance of accessibility, transparency and humility in the provision of economic policy advice
    Contribution to Keynote panel discussion: “How can economics contribute to better policy-making in the future?”:  
    Australian Conference of Economists, Melbourne, 15 July 2019
    PDF icon (177 KB) MS Word (758 KB)



  • Australia’s current and longer term fiscal environment
    Address at the 2018 ACOSS National Conference: Sydney, 29 October 2018
    PDF icon (855 KB) MS Word (887 KB)
  • Fiscal transparency and the Parliamentary Budget Office
    Address at the launch of the Open Budget Survey for Australia:  
    Australian National University, Canberra, 20 March 2018
    PDF icon (616 KB) MS Word (447 KB)


  • The Parliamentary Budget Office
    Presentation to new Senators: Canberra, 24 August 2016
    Powerpoint presentation (113 KB)
  • Supporting Australian democracy
    Presentation to African Parliamentary Budget Office Conference: Cape Town, 17-19 August 2016
    Powerpoint presentation (119 KB)


  • The Parliamentary Budget Office: Supporting Australian democracy
    Senate Occasional Lecture: Canberra, 25 September 2015
    PDF icon (182 KB) MS Word (202 KB)
  • Impact of political systems on budget performance
    Presentation to 4th International Policy Forum on Budgeting: Seoul, 21-22 September 2015
    Powerpoint presentation (1,041 KB)
  • Independent evaluation of the Australian PBO 
    Presentation to the 7th Annual Meeting of OECD Parliamentary Budget Officials and
    Independent Fiscal Institutions: Vienna, 16 April 2015
    Powerpoint presentation (113 KB)


  • The Parliamentary Budget Office: an independent fiscal institution
    Presentation to Canberra Probus Club: Canberra, 5 August 2014 
    Powerpoint presentation (116 KB)
  • The role of independent fiscal institutions in costings
    Presentation to the 6th annual meeting of OECD Budget Officials and Independent Fiscal Institutions:
    Jerusalem, 1 April 2014
    Powerpoint presentation (235 KB)


  • Maintaining a focus on fiscal discipline and budget transparency - the role of the Parliamentary Budget Office
    Presentation to Carnegie Mellon University Australia Distinguished Speaker Series: Adelaide, 29 November 2013
    PDF icon (98 KB) MS Word (56 KB)


  • The Parliamentary Budget Office: An independent and non-partisan institution of the Australian Parliament
    Keynote address to the CPA Congress: Canberra, 16 November 2012
    PDF icon (226 KB) MS Word (48 KB)
  • The Parliamentary Budget Office: A new institution of the Parliament
    House Briefing: Canberra, 18 September 2012
    PDF icon (236 KB) MS Word (35 KB)

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