
Submissions received by the Committee

Submissions may be re-ordered by clicking on a column header. They may also be grouped by Organisation/Individual, State/Territory.

1Victims of Abuse in the Australian Defence Force Association (PDF 2711 KB) 
1.1 Supplementary to submission 1 (PDF 2713 KB) 
1.2 Supplementary to submission 1 (PDF 16 KB) 
2Department of Veterans' Affairs (PDF 2839 KB) 
3Commonwealth Ombudsman (PDF 1909 KB) 
3.1 Supplementary to submission 3 (PDF 2049 KB) 
4Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (PDF 59 KB) 
5War Widows' Guild of Australia (PDF 110 KB) 
6Veterans Advice & Social Centre Hervey Bay (PDF 727 KB) 

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