FlagPost — Parliamentary Library Blog

Media literacy and misinformation

This week – 24–31 October 2023 – is UNESCO’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week. The theme this year is ‘Media and Information Literacy in Digital Spaces: A Collective Global Agenda’.  The prevalence of misinformation and disinformation in the media is a cause for concern around the world. The sharing of false information presented as truth raises many potential harms, including health and safety concerns, the undermining of democratic processes, and the spread of hate speech. Research also suggests that the distortion of the truth online impacts peoples’ reasoning skills even after information has been corrected. Read more...

Status of the National Firearms Register

On 9 June 2023, the Attorney-General announced that the Police Ministers Council ‘had taken an important step towards a National Firearms Register by reaching unanimous agreement on options to be put to National Cabinet’. The register will replace the Australian Firearms Information Network currently operated by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission. Options for implementing a national firearms register were requested by National Cabinet in the aftermath of the Wieambilla terrorist shooting in December 2022. The attack resulted in the deaths of 2 police officers and a local member of the community, and brought the shortcomings of the current system into focus. This Fla... Read more...

New Zealand and China: changing relations

In December 2022, the Chinese state-owned newspaper China Daily carried an op-ed entitled ‘Hail the pioneering spirit of relations between China and NZ’ which lauded New Zealand’s relationship with China. Six months later, during a visit to China by NZ Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, Xi Jinping was reported to have told him that ‘China-New Zealand relations have long been a “pacesetter” in China’s relations with developed countries’. This repeated a maxim Xi had used with former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern during her visit to Beijing in April 2019. Read more...

What's New in Statistics . . . October

This month focuses on the following topics: cybercrime in Australia, the Australian economy during the June quarter and the 2023 Intergenerational Report. Forthcoming releases If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.   Statistical reports Release date ABS Building Approvals, July 2023 3 Oct ABS Lending Indicators, July 2023 3 Oct ANZ ANZ Job Advertisement, September 20... Read more...

Digital Identity (Digital ID) consultation process

On 19 September 2023 the government released an exposure draft of a Digital ID Bill alongside draft Digital ID Rules and Digital ID Accreditation Rules, and a range of fact sheets, explanatory documents and consultation questions. This material was released onto the digitalidentity.gov.au website via a consultation webpage, which is accepting input in 3 separate ways. Read more...

The Parliamentary Librarian: Then and Now

On 17 September 2023, Dr Dianne Heriot’s term as Parliamentary Librarian ended after more than 11 years in office. The role of Parliamentary Librarian has existed since 1901, with Mr Steven Fox newly appointed as the 11th person to hold this title. Most recently Assistant Director-General for Collection Management at the National Archives of Australia, Mr Fox brings with him more than 30 years of experience working in a variety of cultural heritage institutions. In acknowledging this transition, this Flagpost reflects on the origins of the Parliamentary Librarian and the making of the modern Parliamentary Library.         Read more...

How Australia refers to the Palestinian Territories

On 8 August 2023, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Penny Wong, noted in Parliament that ‘Australia is proposing to adopt or will be adopting or returning to the term “Occupied Palestinian Territories”’. This represents the latest move in the adoption of specific language to refer to the Palestinian Territories that has fluctuated in tune with the policy position of successive Australian governments. It is therefore timely to review what the Territories are, briefly outline the evolution of terminology used by Australia, and compare Australia’s approach to that of its peers. Read more...

What's new in Statistics . . . September

This month focuses on the following topics: social housing, affordable housing and recent overseas arrivals. Forthcoming releases If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.   Statistical reports Release date ABS Lending Indicators, July 2023 1 Sept ABS Retail Trade, July 2023 1 Sept ABS Mineral and Petroleum Exploration, June 2... Read more...

Sizing up national parliaments: where does Australia sit?

In Australia, the 151 members of the House of Representatives equates to 1 MP for approximately every 134,000 people of voting age (or as a ratio 1:134,000)*. While there is no ‘optimal’ size of a parliament (given physical space and budgetary constraints), some commentators have highlighted the inherent representational implications involved. Accordingly, this Flagpost article considers the historical context, assesses the potential impacts of changing the size of the parliament, and statistically situates the Australian parliament among international comparisons. Read more...

The Defence strategic review’s vision for the Australian Army

The recent Defence strategic review (DSR) highlights Australia’s deteriorating strategic circumstances and foreshadows the kind of Australian Defence Force (ADF) required to address future challenges. It recommends a shift from a balanced force – capable of responding to a variety of contingencies, but optimised for none – to a focused force designed to ‘address the nation’s most significant military risks’ (p. 54), which, as the DSR observes, is ‘the defence of Australia against potential threats arising from major power competition, including the prospect of conflict’ (p. 32). Read more...


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