FlagPost — Parliamentary Library Blog

Public sector reform

During the 2022 federal election campaign, the Labor Party included improving the Australian Public Service (APS) within its raft of policy commitments. Since the election, Labor’s Minister for the Public Service, Katy Gallagher, has appointed Gordon de Brouwer as Secretary for Public Sector Reform. This Flagpost article examines the key issues likely to influence plans for reform, taken from the ALP’s policy positions, inquiries initiated by the previous Government, and other related issues. Read more...

Sitting times and Standing Orders: recent changes in the House

In one of the first acts of the 47th Parliament, the Government proposed a series of changes to the House Standing Orders. These (currently 270) Standing Orders are rules which govern the operation and conduct of House business, as provided for in The Constitution (section 50). House Practice explains that ‘Standing orders are made and amended by motion moved on notice in the usual way’. While Standing Orders can be amended any time by passing a motion, it’s become the custom of incoming governments to review Standing Orders in the new parliament. This Flagpost article outlines the recent changes to Standing Orders and their various impacts. Read more...

Whats new in statistics . . . September

This month: Australian lithium exports and the latest Agriculture Census. Forthcoming releases If you are interested in any of the forthcoming releases or datasets, please contact the Parliamentary Library to discuss in more detail.   Statistical reports Release date ABS Assets and Liabilities of Australian Securitisers, June 2022 1 Sept ABS Managed Funds, June 2022 1 Sept ABS Lending Indicators, July 2022 ... Read more...

Where are the other lifeboats? Services for people with disability outside the NDIS

Recently, the new Minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), Bill Shorten, echoed the widespread view that the NDIS ‘is the only lifeboat in the ocean for Australians who live with disability’ – that is, there is limited support for people with disability outside the NDIS. Supports for people with disability outside the NDIS are often referred to as ‘Tier 2’ supports. The Productivity Commission in Volume 1 of its 2011 Disability Care and Support report proposed three tiers of the NDIS, envisaging Tier 2 as linkages with relevant services outside the NDIS, such as mainstream services and community support groups (p. 159). Tier 1 was conceptua... Read more...

Ukraine v Russia at the International Court of Justice

In seeking to pursue avenues of accountability, Ukraine has taken Russia to the International Court of Justice (the ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations (UN), using the 1948 Genocide Convention to which both Ukraine and Russia are States Parties. In invading Ukraine, Russia argued that it was protecting Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine from genocide. The Genocide Convention (Article II) notes that genocide is certain acts ‘committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group’. Ukraine argues that Russia is making false claims about genocide and is erroneously using the Genocide Convention to justify its inv... Read more...

Climate Change Bill 2022

On 27 July 2022, the Government introduced the Climate Change Bill 2022. The Bill proposes to set Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets into law. It is similar to climate target laws enacted in other OECD nations and in four of Australia’s states and territories. It does not introduce carbon pricing, emissions trading, or carbon taxation. Simultaneously introduced was the Climate Change (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2022, which would amend 14 Acts to enable consideration of the greenhouse gas emission reduction targets when specified agencies are exercising powers or performing functions.  Read more...

Opening of the 47th Parliament

Opening of the 47th Parliament

Following the 21 May 2022 federal election, the newly appointed Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, stated that the new Parliament would first meet on 26 July 2022—106 days after the previous Parliament was dissolved. The opening of a new Parliament proceeds according to constitutional requirements, House of Representatives and Senate standing orders and resolutions, and long-standing ceremonial practices. This Flagpost article outlines and contextualises these aspects prior to the new parliament opening later this month. Read more...

Can you hear me? Remote participation in the Commonwealth Parliament
Courtesy of Auspic

Can you hear me? Remote participation in the Commonwealth Parliament

Being on mute, an interrupting pet, interesting camera angles, items in the background and technical issues are just a few examples of what parliamentarians have become accustomed to in order to continue business as usual during the coronavirus pandemic. This FlagPost uses a procedural lens to understand how remote participation was implemented and its lasting impact.  Read more...

Personal staff allocations to minor parties and independents

The newly elected crossbench has had their personal employee allocations reduced from 4 to 1, based on recent media reporting. The Government argues that the additional staffing for the crossbenchers is unfair to other backbenchers and a signal of budgetary restraint. This flagpost discusses the regulation and history of this staffing allocation. Read more...

Public hospital funding: an overview

In 2021, the Australian Medical Association reported that according to doctors, access to public hospitals was the worst it had been in 30 years (p. 10). Recent media coverage of patients being treated in corridors, ambulance ramping occurring in every state and territory, and bed and staff shortages around the country indicate that access issues have continued. On 17 June 2022, the Prime Minister announced a review of health funding and health arrangements. This followed calls for months from state and territory leaders for the Commonwealth to increase its share of hospital funding, and concerns from peak bodies about the public hospital system being close to breaking-point. This article ... Read more...


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