FlagPost — Parliamentary Library Blog

'From mayor to minister': parliamentarians who started in local government

The sixth Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG) will meet in Canberra on 5 July 2024, as the leading policy forum between the Australian Government and senior local government representatives. In recognising the broader relationship between these 2 levels of government, this Flagpost reflects on some notable federal parliamentarians who have experience in local government. Read more...

Illuminating Parliament House

Australia’s Parliament House exists not just as the national legislature, but also as a significant tourist destination and cultural institution. As part of this expansive role, light illuminations projected onto the Parliament House façade have highlighted many cultural commemorations and celebrations. This Flagpost identifies the varied history of these illuminations, especially within the context of the annual ACT Government festival, Enlighten.  Read more...

Revision to sole custody law in Japan

Japan is one of the only countries in the world that protects and maintains a sole custody system. On 17 May 2024, however, Japan’s House of Councillors, in a plenary session of parliament, passed a revision to the country’s Civil Code that now allows divorced parents to choose either joint or single custody while requiring them to cooperate in ensuring their children’s rights and wellbeing.  Read more...

New visa ballot processes announced in the Budget

In the 2024–25 Budget, the government announced plans to introduce a pre-application ballot process for certain kinds of visas: Work and Holiday visas for nationals of China, Vietnam and India, and a new temporary visa for young professionals from India. The ballot process is new to the Australian visa system. So far, it has only been introduced for the Pacific Engagement visa, which opens for registration on 3 June 2024.  Read more...

‘Twin track diplomacy’: The Chinese Communist Party’s International Department steps up activities in the Pacific region

A little remarked upon feature of Chinese regional diplomacy has been on show recently. While China’s regular foreign ministry establishment, led by the Foreign Minister, maintains the country’s network of embassies and leads international negotiations, the Chinese Communist Party has its own parallel track to formal national diplomacy – the International Department. The Department has been active in both Australia and the region in its efforts to build relationships and this briefing provides a snapshot of the organisation and its work. Read more...

Whats New in Statistics . . . June

In this month’s release: homicides in Australia and an article about rental comparisons in regional and capital city areas.   Read more...

How Garden Island became the Garden Island Defence Precinct

Sydney’s Garden Island Defence Precinct has been an important naval base since 1856, and its significance seems likely to grow with Defence Minister Richard Marles’s announcement in February 2024 of a further $11.1 billion to more than double the Australian naval fleet. This follows the Albanese Government’s adoption of the Independent analysis of Navy’s surface combatant fleet recommendation to acquire 11 Tier 2 surface combatants, a number of which seem likely to be homeported in Sydney.  Read more...

'A sense of place': analysing geographic portfolios

In early March 2024, the Opposition established a Shadow Minister for Western Sydney to ‘signal very clearly our intention to make great inroads’ into that area. While this is the first instance of Western Sydney being a specific portfolio, other examples of geographic portfolios have existed for over a hundred years, in both government and shadow ministries. This Flagpost provides an overview analysis of these, including the various motivations for their creation. Read more...

'Convoluted and Byzantine': Federal Court calls for better scrutiny of laws by ministers and parliament

The Federal Court has called for better scrutiny of ‘convoluted’ child support laws, saying such complex legislation puts governance in jeopardy. Read more...

Nature Positive reforms – April 2024 update

On 16 April 2024 the Minister for the Environment and Water Tanya Plibersek announced the ‘second stage’ of the Albanese Government’s Nature Positive reforms. The minister said the changes ‘will deliver stronger environment powers, faster environment approvals, and better environment information and transparency’. Read more...


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