Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, excluding Communications

Tabled documents

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
Mr Simon Atkinson, Secretary, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Documents tabled in response to a request from Senator Sterle 25 October 2021  (PDF 13,993KB)
Senator Deborah O'Neill Three documents tabled relating to the commuter car parks project 25 October 2021  (PDF 4,093KB)
Senator Tony Sheldon Correspondence to Deputy Prime Minister The Hon Barnaby Joyce from The Australian Aviation Ground Handlers Industry Alliance  dated 5 August 2021. 25 October 2021  (PDF 2,151KB)
Senator Tony Sheldon
 A media release from the The Australian Aviation Ground Handlers Industry Alliance titled 'Christmas catastrophe as flights grounded' dated 25 October 2021. 25 October 2021  (PDF 3,039KB)
Senator Eric Abetz Documents relating to the Community Chef Program 25 October 2021  (PDF 10,812KB)
Infrastructure Australia 2021 Australian Infrastructure Plan 25 October 2021  (PDF 70,792KB)

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