Finance portfolio

Tabled documents

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
Ms Michelle Wicks, Chief Executive Officer, Parliamentary Workplace Support Service PWSS engagement 23 October 2023 331 KB
Ms Michelle Wicks, Chief Executive Officer, Parliamentary Workplace Support Service Set the Standard recommendations - PWSS 23 October 2023
62 KB
Ms Michelle Wicks, Chief Executive Officer, Parliamentary Workplace Support Service PWSS Service principles 23 October 2023
107 KB
Ms Michelle Wicks, Chief Executive Officer, Parliamentary Workplace Support Service PWSS Organisation chart 23 October 2023
151 KB
Ms Michelle Wicks, Chief Executive Officer, Parliamentary Workplace Support Service
Opening Statement 23 October 2023
530 KB
Ms Jenny Wilkinson, Secretary, Department of Finance
Personal Employee Positions 24 October 2023 1 634 KB
Senator Larissa Waters The bipartisan deal designed to thwart independents, The Saturday Paper 24 October 2023 1 124 KB
Ms Jenny Wilkinson, Secretary, Department of Finance Organisational Directory, October 2023 24 October 2023 171 KB
Senator Dorinda Cox Future Fund reveals how it voted at 267 AGM in 2022-23, The Australian 24 October 2023 3 303 KB

Additional information

Received from Topic Date received View
Mr Stuart Whiley, Managing Director & CEO, ASC Pty Ltd Correction to evidence provided at a public hearing on 24 October 2023 20 November 2023 324 KB
Ms Kath Gleeson, First Assistant Commissioner, Service Delivery Group, Australian Electoral Commission Correction to evidence provided at a public hearing on 23 October 2023 21 November 2023 92 KB