Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee


Senator James Paterson (Chair) LP, VIC
Senator Jenny McAllister (Deputy Chair) ALP, NSW
Senator Kimberley Kitching ALP, VIC
Senator Bridget McKenzie NAT, VIC
Senator Lee Rhiannon AG, NSW
Senator Dean Smith LP, WA

Senators in attendance

Senators Paterson (Chair), McAllister (Deputy Chair), Kitching, McKenzie, Smith, Rhiannon, Abetz, Bernardi, Bushby, Cameron, Dastyari, Dodson, Duniam, Farrell, Gallacher, Gallagher, Griff, Hanson, Hinch, Collins, Kakoschke-Moore, Lines, McCarthy, Moore, Polley, Pratt, Rice, Roberts, Siewert, Waters, Watt, Wong, Xenophon

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