Parliamentary departments

Parliamentary departments

Index to questions on notice - (PDF 18KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice

QoN Department Senator Topic PDF format
P1 Senate Bernardi Provide update list of staff positions (PDF 43KB)
P2 Senate Collins Process undertaken in response to APS2 redundancies See P2
P3 DPS Ronaldson AFP cost increase for security (may be answered through A&S Committee) (PDF 11KB)
P4 DPS Forshaw Security staff numbers in 1996 (PDF 5KB)
P5 DPS Bernardi Estimated forecast of electricity costs under ETS (requested 4 day turnaround) (PDF 5KB)
P6 DPS Bernardi No. of reponses to satisfaction survey (PDF 4KB)
P7 DPS Bernardi Provide statistics on complaints received for the last couple of years (PDF 13KB)
P8 DPS Bernardi Cost/benefit analysis of couch grass replacement (PDF 5KB)
P9 DPS Bernardi No. of artworks in storage (PDF 25KB)
P10 DPS Bernardi No. of artworks under maintenance and cost (PDF 5KB)
P11 DPS Cameron Safety of trees (PDF 5KB)
P12a DPS Ronaldson No. of security staff (PDF 8KB)
P12b DPS Ronaldson Security in Ministerial Wing See P12a
P12c DPS Ronaldson Security staff above supervisor level now in 2005-06 See P12a
P12d DPS Ronaldson Security staff above supervisor level now See P12a

Additional information and tabled documents

Mr Harry Evans, Clerk, Department of the Senate, Report to Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee - May Estimate 2009, tabled Monday, 25 May 2009. (PDF 1685KB)
Department of Parliamentary Services, clarification of evidence, received 29 May 2009. (PDF 162KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3534
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809