Foreign Affairs and Trade

Tabled documents

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
 Ms Frances Adamson, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Opening statement 28/10/2020 (PDF 25KB)
 Senator the Hon Penny Wong GOV.UK Press release - PM call with Prime Minister of Australia: 27 October 2020, and readout released by the Australian Prime Minister 28/10/2020 (PDF 104KB)
 Senator Janet Rice Documents relating to the extradition hearing for Julian Assange at the Old Bailey
Open Letter to the United Kingdom Government from the Lawyers for Assange 

(PDF 3200KB)


(PDF 541KB)

 Senator Tim Ayres NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption exhibit documents in relation to the public inquiry into allegations concerning former MP Daryl Maguire 29/10/2020

(PDF 193KB)

(PDF 219KB)

 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2020-21 - Partnerships for Recovery - Australian Official Development Assistance $4 Billion              29/10/2020

(PDF 960KB)

 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Official development assistance funding breakdown by country extract at 12 October 2020 29/10/2020 (PDF 225KB)
 Mr Tim Beresford, A/g Chief Executive Officer, Australian Trade and Investment Commission Opening statement 29/10/2020 (PDF 82KB)
 Ms Phillipa Harrison, Managing Director, Tourism Australia Opening statement 29/10/2020 (PDF 120KB)

Additional information

Received from Topic Date received View
 Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Responses to questions taken on notice at the Budget Estimates hearings from Senators Abetz, Wong, Rice, Patrick, Van, Fierravanti-Wells and Sheldon 29/10/2020  (PDF 198KB)
 Mr James Wiblin, A/g First Assistant Secretary, South and West Asia Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Correspondence correcting evidence given at the hearing on 29 October 2020 in relation to scholarships available to Indian students, dated 13 November 2020 23/11/2020 (PDF 123KB)
 Ms Beth Delaney, First Assistant Secretary, Contracting and Aid Management, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Correspondence correcting evidence given at the hearing on 29 October 2020 in relation to the Development Program performance framework, dated 23 November 2020 23/11/2020 (PDF 599KB)
 Mr James Baxter, First Assistant Secretary, Office of Trade Negotiations, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Correspondence correcting evidence given at the hearing on 29 October 2020 in relation to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, dated 26 November 2020 07/12/2020 (PDF 446KB)
 Ms Frances Adamson, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Correspondence correcting evidence given at the hearing on 29 October 2020 in relation to the invasive search of Australian citizens at Doha airport 09/12/2020 (PDF 591KB)