Foreign Affairs and Trade

Tabled documents

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Senator Janet Rice Joint statement on Xinjiang  25 March 2021  (PDF 144KB)
Mr Murali Venugopal, Chief Finance Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade  Senate Estimates Reporting, DFAT Country and Regional Programs, extract at 28 February 2021  25 March 2021  (PDF 118KB)
Senator the Hon Penny Wong ODA elements of 2020-21 budget and MYEFO  25 March 2021  (PDF 86KB)
Senator Jordon Steele-John 'It's unethical': Why I altered coal data results', Australian Financial Review, 15 January 2021
 25 March 2021  (PDF 2774 KB)
Ms Phillipa Harrison, Managing Director, Tourism Australia Opening Statement  25 March 2021  (PDF 110 KB)
Ms Frances Adamson, Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Responses to questions taken on notice at the hearing from Senators Abetz, Ayres, Faruqi, Rice, Roberts, Smith  25 March 2021 (PDF 6968KB)

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Ms Jo Talbot, Chief People Officer, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Correspondence clarifying evidence given to the committee at the hearing on 25 March 2021 in relation to how the department is determining priority locations for the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations to staff and dependants in the overseas network.  23 April 2021  (PDF 844KB)
 Ms Lynette Wood, First Assistant Secretary, Consulate and Crisis Management, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, dated 4 May 2021 Correspondence correcting evidence given to the committee at the hearing on 25 March 2021 in relation to the Prime Minister's announcement on Howard Springs, and the date Australia's borders closed 6 May 2021 (PDF 904KB)
 Mr Jamie Isbister, First Assistant Secretary, Economic Growth and Sustainability Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, dated 12 May 2021 Correspondence correcting evidence given to the committee at the hearing on 25 March 2021 regarding Australia's level of climate finance 13 May 2021  (PDF 376KB)