Membership of the committee

Membership of the committee


Senator Chris Back, Chair, LP, WA
Senator Sue Lines, Deputy Chair, ALP, WA
Senator Helen Kroger, LP, Vic.
Senator Bridget McKenzie, Nat, Vic.
Senator Lee Rhiannon, AG, NSW
Senator Mehmet Tillem, ALP, Vic.

Participating Senators

Senator the Hon. Kim Carr, ALP, Vic.
Senator the Hon. Doug Cameron, ALP, NSW
Senator the Hon. Jacinta Collins, ALP, Vic.
Senator the Hon. Joe Ludwig, ALP, QLD
Senator Claire Moore, ALP, QLD
Senator Deborah O'Neill, ALP, NSW
Senator the Barry O'Sullivan, Nat., QLD
Senator Stephen Parry, LP, Tas.
Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, AG, Tas.
Senator John Williams, Nat., NSW
Senator Penny Wright, AG, SA
Senator Nick Xenophon, Ind., SA



Ms Julia Agostino, Secretary
Mr Gerry McInally, Principal Research Officer
Mr Josh See, Senior Research Officer
Mr Tim Hillman, Research Officer
Ms Sarah Brasser, Acting Administration Officer

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