Chapter 1

Chapter 1


1.1        On 8 May 2018 the Senate referred the following documents to the Education and Employment Legislation Committee (the committee) for examination and report:

Portfolio coverage

1.2        In accordance with a resolution of the Senate on 31 August 2016, as amended on 12 February 2018, the committee is responsible for the examination of the expenditure and outcomes of the following portfolios:

1.3        A full list of agencies is available at Appendix 1.

Portfolio Budget Statements 2018-19

1.4        The Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) 2018-19 for the Education and Training portfolio and Jobs and Small Business (part of the Jobs and Innovation portfolio) were tabled in the Senate on 8 May 2018.[3]

Education and Training portfolio

1.5        The 2018-19 PBS for the Education and Training portfolio provides information on the revised estimates for the portfolio and details the Australian Government's education and training priorities including:

1.6        The Department of Education and Training has two outcomes as follows:

Jobs and Small Business

1.7         The 2018-19 PBS for Jobs and Small Business provides information on the revised estimates for the portfolio and details the Australian Government's priorities including:

1.8        The department notes that due to the changes to Administrative Arrangements on 20 December 2017, the department has gained small business and regulatory policy functions.[7]

1.9        The Department of Jobs and Small Business currently has the following two outcomes:


1.10      On 14 November 2017 the Senate resolved that Budget Estimates hearings for the committee would occur between Tuesday, 29 May and Friday, 1 June.[9]

1.11      On 10 May 2018, an amendment to this resolution passed the Senate stating that the committee would meet from 'Tuesday, 29 May to Thursday, 31 May and Tuesday, 5 June and, if required, Friday, 22 June'.[10] The resolution further stated 'that if a committee agrees to sit on 1 June instead of Tuesday, 5 June, then that be allowed if it suits the convenience of the committee'.[11]

1.12      The committee decided to sit on Tuesday, 5 June. Accordingly particulars of budget expenditure were considered as follows:

1.13      The committee heard evidence from the following Ministers:

1.14      Evidence was also provided by the following departmental secretaries who were accompanied by officers of the portfolio departments and agencies:

1.15      The committee extends its appreciation to the Ministers and officers of the departments and agencies who assisted the committee in its conduct of the 2018-19 Budget Estimates hearings.

1.16      An index of proceedings is available at Appendix 2.

Questions on notice

1.17      In accordance with Standing Order 26(9)(a), the committee agreed that the date for the return of answers in response to questions placed on notice from the Budget Estimates 2018-19 hearings on from 29 May to 31 May and 5 June would be 13 July 2018.

1.18      Answers to questions on notice are published as they become available on the committee's website:

Hansard transcripts

1.19      Committee Hansard transcripts are accessible on the committee’s website:

1.20      In this report, references to the Committee Hansard are to the proof transcripts. Page numbers may vary between the transcripts of the Proof Hansard and the Official Hansard.

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