Resources, Energy and Tourism portfolio

Supplementary Budget Estimates 2011-12 (October 2011)

Resources, Energy and Tourism portfolio

Responses to questions taken on notice at the Budget Estimates hearings are due on Monday 28 November 2011 - standing order 74(5) takes effect 30 days after this date.

Index to Questions on Notice - (PDF 212KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice





Date Answered View
SR1 Siewert RET / NOPSA Appointment of Environmental Officer to the NOPSEMA Advisory Board 28/11/2011 (PDF 7KB)
SR2 Siewert RET / NOPSA Implementation of the Recommendations from the Montara Commission of Inquiry 28/11/2011 (PDF 39KB)
SR3 Siewert RET / NOPSA Strikes of Marine Life during the Exploration/Development Process 28/11/2011 (PDF 10KB)
SR4 Cameron RET / NOPSA Fatigue in the Petroleum Industry 28/11/2011 (PDF 10KB)
SR5 Bushby RET Clean Energy Package and Impact on the Coal Industry 28/11/2011 (PDF 8KB)
SR6 Bushby RET Clean Energy Package and Impact on the Iron Ore Industry 29/11/2011 (PDF)
SR7 Siewert RET Implementation of the recommendations from the Montara Commission of Inquiry 28/11/2011 (PDF 8KB)
SR8 Cameron RET Minerals Council Report 28/11/2011 (PDF 12KB)
SR9 Ludlam RET Uranium Council Projects 28/11/2011 (PDF 10KB)
SR10 Ludlam RET Sale of Uranium 28/11/2011 (PDF 7KB)
SR11 Ludlam RET HRL Dual Gas Project 29/11/2011 (PDF)
SR12 Ludlam RET LETDF Grant Allocation Process 28/11/2011 (PDF 7KB)
SR13 Urquhart RET Tourism - Digital Distribution 28/11/2011 (PDF 7KB)
SR14 Ronaldson RET / TA Reduction of spending on Trade Events in India and China 28/11/2011 (PDF 13KB)
SR15 Ronaldson RET Tabling of the State of the Industry Report 28/11/2011 (PDF 7KB)
SR16 Ronaldson RET Drafts of Tourism Reports sent to Minister’s Office 28/11/2011 (PDF 11KB)
SR17 Ronaldson RET Draft Impact of the Carbon Tax on the Tourism Industry – sent to the Minister’s Office 28/11/2011 (PDF 13KB)
SR18 Cameron RET Number of Overseas Workers in the Mining Industry 28/11/2011 (PDF 14KB)
SR19 Cameron RET Mining Industry Training Effort 28/11/2011 (PDF 19KB)
SR20 Siewert RET / GA Isobath Line along WA Coast 28/11/2011 (PDF 10KB)
SR21 Siewert RET / NOPSA Whale Strikes on the Wheatstone Project 28/11/2011 (PDF 10KB)
SR22 Siewert RET Cetacean Data and Seismic Surveys in Oil and Gas Lease Assessments 28/11/2011 (PDF 45KB)
SR23 Bushby RET Proposed Heritage Listing of Tarkine 28/11/2011 (PDF 18KB)
SR24 Bushby RET / TA Qantas Strike Action – Impact on Tourism 28/11/2011 (PDF 8KB)
SR25 Bushby RET Carbon Tax – Tourism 28/11/2011 (PDF 22KB)
SR26 Bushby RET Carbon Tax Modelling – Tourism 28/11/2011 (PDF 10KB)
SR27 Bushby RET / TA Marketing to India 28/11/2011 (PDF 14KB)
SR28 Bushby RET / TA Marketing to India and Digital Marketing 28/11/2011 (PDF 41KB)
SR29 Bushby RET Red Tape Reduction – Tourism 28/11/2011 (PDF 12KB)
SR30 Bushby RET / TA Tourism matters arising from the 2011 Budget 28/11/2011 (PDF 33KB)
SR31 Bushby RET / TA Tourism Australia – Staff 28/11/2011 (PDF 109KB)
SR32 Bushby RET National Long Term Tourism Strategy 28/11/2011 (PDF 67KB)
SR33 Bushby RET / TA Tourism Australia – International Buildings 28/11/2011 (PDF 11KB)
      Attachment 28/11/2011 (PDF 85KB)
SR34 Bushby RET / TA Tourism Australia – Cash on Hand 28/11/2011 (PDF 8KB)
SR35 Bushby RET / TA Business Events Tourism 28/11/2011 (PDF 22KB)
SR36 Bushby RET Measurement of KPIs – Tourism 28/11/2011 (PDF 18KB)
SR37 Bushby RET International Workers 28/11/2011 (PDF 8KB)
SR38 Birmingham RET Australian Renewable Energy Agency 28/11/2011 (PDF 10KB)
SR39 Waters RET / GA Coal Seam Gas Impact on Groundwater 28/11/2011 (PDF 19KB)
SR40 Colbeck BREE Minerals and Energy Forecasting 28/11/2011 (PDF 9KB)
SR41 Brown RET Depletion of Mineral Resources 28/11/2011 (PDF 111KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Economics
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3540
Fax: +61 2 6277 5719