Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water

Tabled documents

Tabled by Document Date tabled View
Senator Hollie Hughes The Australian article 'China's spy threat to our solar energy grid' (21 July 2023) 23 October 2023 (PDF 157 KB)
Mr Darren Miller, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Renewable Energy Agency Opening Statement 23 October 2023  (PDF 62 KB)
Senator Hollie Hughes Clean Energy Finance Corporation - Funding Disclosure 23 October 2023 (PDF 200 KB)
Senator Perin Davey  Clean Energy Finance Corporation - Funding for Climate Projects 23 October 2023  (PDF 508 KB)
Senator David Van  Clean Energy Finance Corporation - Biofuels and Transport: An Australian Opportunity  23 October 2023 (PDF 1,446 KB
Mr James Tregurtha, Division Head Nature Positive Taskforce, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Environmental Law Reform Consultations: List of Stakeholder Organisations invited (as at 12 October 2023) 23 October 2023  (PDF 72 KB)
Senator Dorinda Cox End of Mission Statement by the UN Special Rapporteur on Toxics and Human Rights, Marcos A. Orellana, on his visit to Australia, 28 August to 8 September 2023 23 October 2023 (PDF 280 KB)
Senator Malcolm Roberts 'Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide levels' 23 October 2023 (PDF 193 KB)

Additional information

Received from Topic Date received View
Ms Dana Sutton, Branch Head, Ministerial Liaison and Governance Branch, Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Letter of correction of evidence 8 December 2023 (PDF 72 KB)
Professor Helene Marsh, Chair, Threatened Species Scientific Committee Letter of correction of evidence
8 December 2023 (PDF 219 KB)


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