Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Questions on notice index: (PDF 489KB)

Answers to Questions on Notice
Division/Agency View File Attachments
Agricultural Productivity (APD) (PDF 118KB)  
Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics - Bureau of Rural Sciences (ABARE - BRS) (PDF 132KB)  
Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) (PDF 42KB)  
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) (PDF 28KB)  
Australian Plague Locust Commission (APLC) (PDF 11KB) APLC 01 (PDF 696KB)
Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation (AWBC) (PDF 4KB)  
Australian Wool Innovation (AWI) (PDF 8KB)  
Biosecurity Services Group (BSG) (PDF 102KB) BSG 05 (PDF 17KB)
Climate Change (CC) (PDF 193KB) CC 02 - 01 (PDF 2131KB)
CC 02 - A (PDF 485KB)
CC 02 - B (PDF 2767KB)
CC 02 - C (PDF 476KB)
CC 02 - D (PDF 788KB)
CC 02 - E (PDF 481KB)
CC 02 - F (PDF 732KB)

CC 30 (PDF 83KB)
Corporate Finance (CFD) (PDF 97KB)  
Corporate Policy (CPD) (PDF 89KB)  
Corporate Services (CSD) (PDF 127KB) CSD 03 (PDF 483KB)
Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) (PDF 9KB)  
 Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) (PDF 19KB)  
Sustainable Resource Management (SRM)

SRM 07 - revised
(PDF 64KB)

SRM 07 (PDF 40KB)
Trade and Market Access (TMA) (PDF 33KB) TMA 03 - A (PDF 677KB)
TMA 03 - B (PDF 551KB)

Tabled Documents View File
1. Nine media releases by the Department of Finance and Deregulation (DOFA) in relation to costings of election commitments, Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck , tabled 20/10/10 (PDF 6583KB)
2. Joint media release "Gillard Government welcomes Forestry Agreement", Senator the Hon Joe Ludwig, Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, tabled 20/10/10 (PDF 424KB)
3. Key estimates brief: Effect of basin plan scenario on gross value of irrigated agricultural production (GVIAP) by region and by activity, ABARE - BRS, tabled 20/10/10 (PDF 180KB)
4. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (DEWHA), "Fact Sheet - Marine Bioregional Planning - the Process", Senator the Hon Ron Boswell, tabled 20/10/10 (PDF 1305KB)
5. Key estimates brief: Cost recovery for fisheries and changes to levy amounts between 2008-09 and 2009-10, AFMA, tabled 20/10/10 (PDF 649KB)
6. AQIS, Industry Advice Notice No. G2010/06, "Grain and plant products - methyl bromide export fumigations and inspection sequence", Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck , tabled 20/10/10 (PDF 420KB)
7. Answers to questions taken on notice during the hearing on 20 October 2010, in relation to Corporate Policy, Climate Change Division, and Sustainable Resource Management Division, DAFF, tabled 20/10/10 (PDF 1992KB)

Additional Information and Hansard corrections

View File

1. Dated 22 November 2010, from Ms Elizabeth Bie, General Manager, Ministerial and Parliamentary, DAFF, clarifying evidence given by departmental officers at the budget estimates hearing on 20 October 2010 (PDF 375KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3511
Fax: +61 2 6277 5811