Finance and Deregulation Portfolio

Finance and Deregulation Portfolio

Index to Questions on Notice - (PDF 326KB)

Note: The committee has set Friday, 8 July 2011 as the date for the return of answers to Questions on Notice.

Answers to Questions on Notice

QoN No. Department/Agency Senator Topic PDF Format Date Answer Received
1 DFD Cormann Value of Medibank Private (PDF 7KB) 13/07/2011
2 Medibank Cormann Medibank's capital reserves (PDF 6KB) 11/07/2011
3 Medibank Cormann Percentage of Medibank private health insurance customers with hospital cover (PDF 6KB) 11/07/2011
4 Medibank Cormann Medibank's modelling of proposed changes to the Federal Government 30% rebate (PDF 6KB) 11/07/2011
5 DFD Cormann Percentage of savings that are funding deferrals (PDF 9KB) 11/07/2011
6 DFD Cormann Stimulus spending (PDF 18KB) 14/07/2011
7 DFD Ryan Exemptions from RIS requirements (PDF 10KB) 07/07/2011
8 DFD Ryan Exemptions from RIS requirements (PDF 6KB) 06/07/2011
9 DFD Ryan RISs - post-implementation reviews (PDF 6KB) 06/07/2011
10 DFD Ryan Non-compliance with annual regulatory plans (PDF 8KB) 07/07/2011
11 DFD Ryan Treasury's non-compliance with RIS requirements (PDF 11KB) 07/07/2011
12 DFD Cormann Sale of non-financial assets (PDF 12KB) 07/07/2011
13 DFD Cormann Act of grace payments (PDF 13KB) 25/07/2011
14 DFD Cormann Cost of immigration processing (PDF 6KB) 08/08/2011
15 DFD Cormann Digital television switchover program - Household Assistance Scheme Costing for set top boxes (PDF 20KB) 07/07/2011
16 DFD Cormann Digital television switchover program advertising campaign - set top boxes (PDF 13KB) 25/07/2011
17 DFD Cormann Efficiency Dividend (PDF 45KB) 29/08/2011
18 DFD Cormann Greens and crossbenchers costings (PDF 6KB) 11/07/2011
19 ARIA Cormann Trustees on ARIA board (PDF 56KB) 30/06/2011
20 ARIA Cormann Industry average asset allocation to hedge funds (PDF 6KB) 07/07/2011
21 ARIA Cormann Private equity (PDF 64KB) 30/06/2011
22 ARIA Cormann Hedge Funds (PDF 21KB) 07/07/2011
23 ARIA Cormann Merger of ARIA and the MSB boards (PDF 8KB) 07/07/2011
24 ComSuper Cormann Membership Fraud (PDF 55KB) 30/06/2011
25 ComSuper Cormann Percentage of contributions of ComSuper members (PDF 102KB) 30/06/2011
26 ComSuper Cormann Staff turnover within ComSuper (PDF 67KB) 30/06/2011
27 ComSuper Cormann Efficiencies through IT systems (PDF 65KB) 30/06/2011
28 Future Fund Cormann Investment in emerging market currencies (PDF 7KB) 29/08/2011
29 Future Fund Cormann Current Australian dollar exposure (PDF 9KB) 29/08/2011
30 Future Fund Cormann Emerging market currency foreign exchange (PDF 55KB) 29/08/2011
31 Future Fund Kroger Military contractors (PDF 3KB) 07/10/2011
32 Future Fund Kroger Lockheed Martin - military contractor (PDF 5KB) 07/10/2011
33 Future Fund Kroger Lockheed Martin - military contractor (PDF 5KB) 07/10/2011
34 Future Fund Ludlam Nuclear weapons - treaties (PDF 7KB) 07/10/2011
35 Future Fund Fifield Cluster munitions (PDF 4KB) 07/10/2011
36 DFD Mason Education Investment Fund (PDF 7KB) 06/07/2011
37 DFD Cormann Nation Building Funds: Administration costs of funds (PDF 10KB) 06/07/2011
38 DFD Cormann Government agencies and workplace square metres allocation (PDF 37KB) 25/07/2011
39 DFD Fifield National Broadband Network (PDF 12KB) 07/07/2011
40 DFD Cormann Detention centres (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
41 DFD Cormann Detention centres - Insurance arrangements (Serco) (PDF 9KB) 25/07/2011
42 DFD Cormann Insurance premiums - Detention centres (PDF 7KB) 25/07/2011
43 DFD Cormann Insurance categories - Detention centres (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
44 DFD Cormann Self-insurance property insurance requirements - Detention centres (PDF 11KB) 25/07/2011
45 DFD Cormann Claims paid out over the last 12 months - Detention centres (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
46 DFD Cormann List of detention centres and insurance arrangements (PDF 19KB) 25/07/2011
47 DFD Cormann Detention centres: Financial year 07-08 and consecutive FYRS (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
48 DFD Cormann Queensland floods, the Victorians floods and Cyclone Yasi (PDF 11KB) 11/07/2011
49 DFD Cormann Act of grace payments (PDF 7KB) 25/07/2011
50 DFD Cormann Air Travel (PDF 109KB) 01/07/2011
51 DFD Cormann Credit cards (PDF 20KB) 30/06/2011
52 DFD Fifield Procurement - Australian Disability Enterprises (PDF 10KB) 11/07/2011
53 DFD Abetz Shannon's Way (PDF 48KB) 31/08/2011
54 DFD Fifield Caucus Communications Team - travel allowances claimed (PDF 8KB) 25/07/2011
55 DFD Fifield Administrative arrangements for the Caucus Communications Team (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
56 DFD Fifield Functions of the Caucus Communications Team (PDF 17KB) 25/07/2011
57 DFD Fifield The Prime Minister's personal staff (PDF 10KB) 25/07/2011
58 DFD Fifield The Prime Minister's personal staff - commencements (PDF 9KB) 25/07/2011
59 DFD Fifield Staffing levels - Independents (PDF 9KB) 25/07/2011
60 DFD Abetz The Prime Minister's Office - former Chief of Staff (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
61 DFD Abetz Employee for the former member for Grayndler (PDF 11KB) 25/07/2011
62 DFD Fifield Staffing for Mr Tony Crook MP (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
63     Question answered during the hearing, for further detail see QON index above.    
64 DFD Kroger Evaluation of electorate officer working hours and electorate staff allowances (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
65 AEC Abetz Shenglong Australia, Shangjin Lin and Yi Lin - Donors to ALP (PDF 13KB) 25/07/2011
66 AEC Ronaldson Documents lodged with the AEC by the member for Dobell (PDF 10KB) 25/07/2011
67 AEC Ronaldson Coastal Voice Community Group Inc (PDF 9KB) 25/07/2011
68 AEC Fifield Media/ Advertising costs for elections (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
69 DFD Fifield Official Air Travel (PDF 51KB) 29/08/2011
70 DFD Fifield Travel costs for Minister, Parliamentary Secretary, Members of Parliament (Staff) Act 1984 employees and departmental staff (PDF 54KB) 25/07/2011
71 DFD Xenophon Air travel (PDF 7KB) 25/07/2011
72 DFD Xenophon Travel services (PDF 10KB) 07/07/2011
73 DFD Xenophon Air Travel (PDF 12KB) 13/07/2011
74 DFD Xenophon Travel services (PDF 6KB) 25/07/2011
75 DFD Xenophon Air Travel (PDF 28KB) 11/07/2011
76 DFD Fifield Staffing numbers (PDF 9KB) 30/06/2011
77 DFD Fifield Staffing contracts (PDF 6KB) 30/06/2011
78 DFD Fifield Staffing reductions due to the efficiency dividend (PDF 8KB) 30/06/2011
79 DFD Fifield Communications programs (PDF 13KB) 25/07/2011
80 DFD Fifield Hospitality spend, updated answer received 24/10/2011 (PDF 77KB) 07/07/2011
81 DFD Fifield Hospitality (PDF 32KB) 30/06/2011
82 DFD Fifield Entertainment Costs (PDF 61KB) 24/10/2011
83 DFD Fifield Board appointments (PDF 111KB) 31/08/2011
84 DFD Fifield Freedom of Information requests (PDF 19KB) 30/06/2011
85 DFD Fifield Community Cabinet (PDF 45KB) 25/07/2011
86 DFD Fifield Reviews (PDF 51KB) 01/09/2011
87 DFD Fifield Commissioned reports (PDF 10KB) 01/07/2011
88 DFD Fifield Consultancies (PDF 8KB) 13/07/2011
89 DFD Fifield Consultancies (PDF 8KB) 13/07/2011
90 DFD Fifield Consultancies (PDF 22KB) 30/06/2011
91 DFD Fifield Media monitoring services provided to the Minister's office (PDF 8KB) 30/06/2011
92 DFD Fifield Media monitoring services provided to the department (PDF 105KB) 30/06/2011
93 DFD Fifield Media subscriptions (PDF 56KB) 06/07/2011
94 DFD Fifield Social Media (PDF 6KB) 30/06/2011
95-103 DFD Fifield Contractors (PDF 10KB) 01/07/2011
104 DFD Fifield Discretionary Grants (PDF 8KB) 01/07/2011
105 DFD Fifield Cabinet and sub-cabinet committee meetings (PDF 8KB) 01/07/2011
106 DFD Fifield Payments to Contractors/Consultants (PDF 39KB) 30/06/2011
107 DFD Fifield Stationary (PDF 57KB) 30/06/2011
108 DFD Fifield Legal Costs (PDF 11KB) 30/06/2011
109 DFD Birmingham Funding to organisations (PDF 8KB) 30/06/2011
110 DFD Fifield Training expenses (PDF 9KB) 05/07/2011
111 DFD Fifield Training expenses (PDF 85KB) 07/10/2011
112 DFD Fifield Paid Parental Leave (PDF 8KB) 30/06/2011
113 DFD Fifield Accommodation density (PDF 13KB) 06/07/2011
114  DFD Fifield Budget savings (PDF 13KB) 21/07/2011
115 DFD Humphries Efficiency dividend (PDF 26KB) 11/07/2011
116 AEC Ryan Protected Action Ballots (PDF 207KB) 25/07/2011
117 AEC Ryan Industrial elections (PDF 223KB) 25/07/2011
118 AEC Ryan Legal costs (PDF 12KB) 25/07/2011
119 DFD Ryan Emissions (PDF 4KB) 02/09/2011
120 DFD Ryan 'One in, one out' approach to regulation (PDF 12KB) 13/07/2011
121 DFD Ryan Regulation (PDF 21KB) 07/07/2011
122 DFD Payne Payroll tax and directors' liability reforms (PDF 18KB) 07/07/2011
123 DFD Payne Legal profession reforms (PDF 18KB) 07/07/2011
124 DFD Ryan Regulation (PDF 17KB) 07/07/2011
125 DFD Ryan Regulation (PDF 18KB) 07/07/2011
126 DFD Ryan Regulation (PDF 10KB) 06/07/2011
127 DFD Ryan Regulation (PDF 7KB) 06/07/2011
128 DFD Williams Equine Influenza (PDF 107KB) 25/07/2011
129     Question deleted    
130 DFD Cash Asylum Seekers (PDF 18KB) 14/07/2011

Additional information and tabled documents

Department of Finance and Deregulation, Establishment Variances Government 1 Feb 2011 to 1 May 2011, Parliamentarians' Personal Positions as at 1 May 2011, Parliamentarians' Staff with Personal Classifications as at 1 May 2011, tabled 26 May 2011 (PDF 124KB)
(PDF 308KB)
(PDF 62KB)
Department of Finance and Deregulation, Letter to correct evidence provided to Senator Ryan on 25 May 2011, dated 2 June 2011 (PDF 666KB)
Medibank Private, Letter to correct evidence provided to the Committee on 26 May 2011, dated 28 June 2011 (PDF 26KB)
Department of Finance and Deregulation, Letter to correct evidence provided to Senators Cormann and Moore on 25 May 2011, dated 30 June 2011 (PDF 57KB)

For further information, contact:

Estimates Officer
Senate Standing Committees on Finance and Public Administration
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3534
Fax: +61 2 6277 5809