Chapter 1

Chapter 1


1.1        On 8 November 2016, the Senate agreed that the Community Affairs Legislation Committee (committee) would meet from 29 May 2017 to 1 June 2017 to consider the proposed expenditure of the departments and agencies which are allocated to the committee.[1]

1.2        The Senate set 20 June 2017 as the date for the committee to report on its examination of the 201718 Budget Estimates.[2]

Portfolio coverage

1.3        In accordance with a resolution of the Senate on 31 August 2016, the committee has responsibility for examining the expenditure and outcomes of the following portfolios:

Reference of documents

1.4        The 201718 Budget was presented to the House of Representatives by the Treasurer, the Hon. Scott Morrison, through the introduction of Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2017-2018 on 9 May 2017.[4]

1.5        On that same day, the Minister for Finance, the Hon. Mathias Cormamm, tabled the following documents in the Senate, which were referred to the committee for examination and report:

Health Portfolio

1.6         Estimates of proposed expenditure for 2017–18 in the Health Portfolio are presented in the 201718 Health Portfolio Budget Statements (PB Statements).

1.7         At the centre of the 201718 Health PB Statements is the Long-Term National Health Plan (Plan) and the committee examined several of the Plan's notable features during the hearings, including:

1.8        The committee notes the following update to Ministerial responsibilities for the Health portfolio:

On 24 January 2017, the Hon Greg Hunt MP was sworn in as the Minister for Health and Minister for Sport; the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP as the Minister for Aged Care and Minister for Indigenous Health; and the Hon Dr David Gillespie MP as Assistant Minister for Health.[12]

Social Services Portfolio (including Human Services)

1.9        Estimates of proposed expenditure for Social Services Portfolio (including Human Services) are presented in the 201718 Social Services PB Statements.

1.10      The focus of the 201718 Social Services PB Statements is the continuation of the Government's support for wellbeing of families, people living with disability and other vulnerable members of society. Key components of this proposed expenditure include:

Estimates hearings

1.11      From 29 May 2017 to 1 June 2017 the committee met in public session to consider the proposed expenditure of portfolios as follows:


1.12      During the hearings the committee heard evidence from the following Ministers:


1.13      Evidence was taken from the following department secretaries, who were accompanied by senior officers of their respective portfolio departments and agencies:

1.14      The committee extends its appreciation to the Ministers and officers of the departments and agencies who assisted the committee.

Procedural issues

1.15      There were no procedural issues noted during the hearings.

Questions on notice

1.16      In accordance with Standing Order 26(9)(a), the committee agreed that the date for the return of answers, in response to questions placed on notice at the hearings, would be 21 July 2017.

1.17      Answers to questions on notice are published as they become available on the committee's website:

Notes on Hansard transcripts

1.18      Hansard transcripts for committee's hearings are accessible on the committee’s website:

1.19      An index of the areas examined during the committee's proceedings, by Hansard page number, is available at Appendix 2.

1.20      In this report references to the committee Hansard are to the proof transcripts, as produced at the time of reporting. Page numbers may vary between the transcripts of the Proof Hansard and the Official Hansard.

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