

ACAT Aged Care Assessment Team
ASC Australian Sports Commission
committee Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee
CDC Cashless Debit Card
CDP Community Development Programme
CHB Commonwealth Hospital Benefit
CHSP Commonwealth Home Support Program
DOH Department of Health
DHS Department of Human Services
DSS Department of Social Services
FTB Family Tax Benefit
GAP Global Access Partners
GP General Practitioner
Hon. Honourable
MBS Medicare Benefits Schedule
MHS Medibank Health Solutions
MRFF Medical Research Future Fund
NDIA National Disability Insurance Agency
NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme
NHHA National Housing and Homelessness Agreement
NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council
NSP National Sports Plan
PB Statement Portfolio Budget Statement
PBS Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
PHaMs Personal Helpers and Mentors
PHI Private Health Insurance
PHN Private Health Networks
RDVSA Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia
scheme Commonwealth Redress Scheme for survivors of institutional childhood sexual abuse
taskforce GAP Taskforce on Hospital Funding
TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration

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