Chapter 1

Chapter 1


1.1        On 12 May 2015, the Senate referred the following documents to the committee for examination and report:

1.2        The committee is responsible for the examination of the following portfolios:

Details of hearings

1.3        The hearings were conducted in accordance with the agreed agenda outlined as follows:

1.4        The committee heard evidence from the following Senators:

1.5        Evidence was also provided by the following:

Questions on notice

1.6        In accordance with Standing Order 26(9)(a), the committee agreed that the date for the return of answers in response to questions placed on notice would be 24 July 2015.

1.7        Answers to questions on notice and tabled documents may be accessed via the committee's website:

Hansard transcripts

1.8        Hansard transcripts of the estimates proceedings are accessible on the committee’s website.

1.9        An index of topics covered by Hansard page number is available at Appendix 2.

1.10      References to the Hansard transcript are to the proof Hansard; page numbers may vary between the proof and the official Hansard transcript.

Changes in the PBS

Health Portfolio

1.11      In the Portfolio Budget Statements the government announced the following changes to portfolio agencies:

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