Membership of the Committee

Membership of the Committee

44th Parliament


Senator Zed Seselja, Chair

LP, Australian Capital Territory

Senator Rachel Siewert, Deputy Chair

AG, Western Australia

Senator Carol Brown

ALP, Tasmania

Senator Nova Peris

ALP, Northern Territory

Senator Linda Reynolds

LP, Western Australia

Senator Dean Smith

LP, Western Australia

Substitute Members

Senator Sue Lines (5 June 2015)

ALP, Western Australia

Senator Claire Moore (3 to 4 June 2015) ALP, Queensland
Senator Anne Ruston (3 June 2015) LP, South Australia
Senator James McGrath (3 June 2015) LP, Queensland
Senator the Hon. Ian Macdonald (4 June 2015) LP, Queensland

Senators in attendance

Senator Zed Seselja (Chair), Senator Rachel Siewert (Deputy Chair), Senator Carol

Brown, Senator Nova Peris, Senator Linda Reynolds, Senator Dean Smith, Senator Cory Bernardi, Senator David Bushby, Senator the Hon. Doug Cameron, Senator the Hon. Jacinta Collins, Senator the Hon. Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Senator Sam Dastyari, Senator Richard Di Natale, Senator the Hon. Mitch Fifield, Senator David Leyonhjelm, Senator Sue Lines, Senator Scott Ludlam, Senator Gavin Marshall, Senator Claire Moore, Senator the Hon. Jan McLucas, Senator the Hon. Fiona Nash, Senator the Hon. Marise Payne, Senator Helen Polley, Senator Anne Ruston, Senator Larissa Waters, Senator Penny Wright, Senator Nick Xenophon.

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