
Submissions received by the Committee

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 32 items in 2 pages
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Page size:
 32 items in 2 pages
1Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (PDF 3512 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 92 KB) 
2Tasmanian Government (PDF 293 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 165 KB)  Attachment 2 (PDF 88 KB) 
2.1 Supplementary to submission 2 (PDF 369 KB) 
3Nyrstar Australia (PDF 150 KB) 
4Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) (PDF 352 KB) 
5Wine Tasmania (PDF 575 KB) 
6Tasmanian Minerals, Manufacturing & Energy Council (PDF 425 KB) 
7Greenham Tasmania Pty Limited (PDF 209 KB) 
8Costa Group (PDF 174 KB) 
9Norske Skog Boyer Mill (PDF 2428 KB) 
10Strait Link (PDF 3471 KB) 
11Tasmanian Forest Products Association (PDF 6456 KB) 
12TasFarmers (PDF 1361 KB) 
13Affairs of State Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 865 KB) 
14King Island Council (PDF 645 KB) 
15Driscoll's Australia Pty Ltd (PDF 444 KB) 
16Markarna Grazing Co Pty Ltd (PDF 227 KB) 
17King Island Beef Producers Group (PDF 373 KB) 
17.1 Supplementary to submission 17 (PDF 143 KB) 
18The Freight Scheme Experts (PDF 390 KB)  Attachment 1 (PDF 79 KB) 
19RDA Tasmania (PDF 313 KB) 
20Fruit Growers Tasmania Inc. (PDF 238 KB) 
20.1 Supplementary to submission 20 (PDF 159 KB) 

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