Index of undertakings 2023

The Index of Undertakings lists all implemented and outstanding undertakings made by ministers or agencies in response to concerns raised by the committee.

As part of its technical scrutiny of legislative instruments, the committee may engage with relevant agencies via its secretariat to resolve minor technical scrutiny concerns. Where, as a result of this engagement, an agency makes an undertaking to progress amendments to an explanatory statement or instrument, this undertaking is subject to ministerial approval.

For further information about the committee's scrutiny concerns regarding the instruments listed below, please visit theĀ Index of Instruments page.

Instrument name Undertaking Date made Date implemented
 Higher Education Support (Other Grants) Amendment (National Priorities Pool Program and Regional Partnerships Project Pool Program) Guidelines 2023 [F2023L00983]The Minister for Education undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's concerns. 01/11/202309/02/2024
Competition and Consumer (Gas Market Code) Regulations 2023 [F2023L00994]The Minister for Climate Change and Energy undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/11/202316/02/2024
Standards for Registered Training Organisations Amendment (Fit and Proper Person) Instrument 2023 [F2023L01182]The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/10/2022Outstanding
Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2023 [F2023L00998]The Minister for Resources and Northern Australia undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.03/11/202320/11/2023
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 106/00 – Side Underrun Protection) 2023 [F2023L01317]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/10/202219/06/2024
 Australian Education Regulations 2023 [F2023L01020] The Minister for Education undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.01/11/202325/06/2024
Australian National University (Governance) Statute 2023 [F2023L00867]The Minister for Education advised that the Australian National University undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to address the committee's concerns.01/11/202320/06/2024
Social Security (International Agreements) Amendment (Republic of Serbia) Regulations 2023 [F2023L01176]The Department of Social Services undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.25/09/202204/10/2023
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Amendment (Code of Conduct and Banning Orders) Rules 2022 [F2022L01457]The Minister for Aged Care undertook that the explanatory statement for an amending instrument would include additional information requested for inclusion by the committee. 23/03/202329/04/2024
Industry Research and Development (Australia-Vietnam Science, Technology and Innovation Cooperation Initiative Program) Instrument [F2023L00947The Department of Industry, Science and Resources undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's concerns. 15/11/202321/11/2023
Australian Capital Territory National Land (Lakes) Ordinance 2022 [F2022L00468]The Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.16/12/202216/05/2023
Competition and Consumer (Industry Codes—Franchising) Amendment (Franchise Disclosure Register) Regulations 2022 [F2022L00471]The Minister for Small Business undertook to table the report into the review of the Franchise Disclosure Register provisions.14/12/202208/02/2024
Telecommunications (Interception and Access) (Communications Access Co-ordinator) Instrument 2022 (No. 2) [F2022L01321]The Attorney-General undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.13/12/202227/04/2024
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package) Instrument 2022 [F2022L01341]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/01/202322/06/2023
Veterans’ Entitlements (Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package) Instrument 2022 [F2022L01342]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/01/202322/06/2023
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims) (Defence, Veterans’ and Families’ Acute Support Package) Instrument 2022 [F2022L01343]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/01/202322/06/2023
Work Health and Safety (Managing the Risks of Respirable Crystalline Silica from Engineered Stone in the Workplace) Code of Practice 2022 [F2022L01368]The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.16/01/202320/06/2023
Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Palliative Care Classification and Other Measures) Instrument 2022 [F2022L00979]The Department of Health and Aged Care undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns. 24/08/202301/09/2023
Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Amendment (Code of Conduct and Banning Orders) Rules 2022 [F2022L01457]The Minister for Aged Care undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.23/03/202325/10/2023
Industry Research and Development (Small Business Programs) Amendment Instrument 2022 [F2022L01521]The Department of Industry, Science and Resources undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.03/02/202321/11/2023
CASA OAR 168/22 – Declarations and Directions in relation to Prohibited, Restricted and Danger Areas etc. – Permanent Instrument 2022 (No. 1) [F2022L01533]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/01/202323/01/2023
Civil Aviation Safety Amendment (Flight Operations—Parts 119 and 138) Regulations 2022 [F2022L01612]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/01/2023Outstanding
Corporations Amendment (Litigation Funding) Regulations 2022 [F2022L01614]The Assistant Treasurer undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/07/2023Outstanding
Treasury Laws Amendment (Rationalising ASIC Instruments) Regulations 2022 [F2023L01629]The Assistant Treasurer undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/07/2023Outstanding
CASA OAR 210/22 – Temporary Restricted Areas Etc. – Declaration, Direction and Determination (Southern Launch VS02 and VS03 Campaigns) Instrument 2022 [F2022L01631]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/01/202323/01/2023
CASA EX100/22 – Amendment of CASA EX85/21 (Miscellaneous Revisions) – Instrument 2022 [F2022L01652]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/01/202308/02/2023
CASA EX101/22 – Amendment of CASA EX86/21 (Miscellaneous Revisions) – Instrument 2022 [F2022L01660]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/01/202323/01/2023
Data Availability and Transparency Code [F2022L01719]The Minister for Finance undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.17/03/202320/03/2023
Telecommunications (Infringement Notice Penalties) Determination 2022 [F2022L01741]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.03/02/202301/03/2023
Norfolk Island Applied Laws and Service Delivery (Queensland) Amendment (Education) Ordinance 2023 [F2023L00081]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.15/03/202320/06/2023
Transport Security Legislation Amendment (Criminal Intelligence Threshold) Regulations 2023 [F2023L00192]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.19/05/202308/06/2023
Corporations Amendment (Design and Distribution Obligations—Income Management Regimes) Regulations 2023 [F2023L00193]The Assistant Treasurer undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/07/2023Outstanding
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code (MRL Standard) Amendment Instrument (No. 2) 2023 [F2023L00261]The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry undertook to remake the instrument, including an amended explanatory statement to address the committee's scrutiny concerns.28/04/2023Outstanding
Auditing Standard ASA 2023-1 Amendments to Australian Auditing Standards [F2023L00295]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/05/202331/05/2024
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (Defence-related Claims)—Guide to the Assessment of the Degree of Permanent Impairment 2023 [F2023L00364]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.19/05/202305/07/2024
Public Service Regulations 2023 [F2023L00368]The Minister for the Public Service undertook to amend the explanatory statement in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.04/07/202330/08/2023
Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Registered Nurses) Principles 2023 [F2023L00389]The Department of Health and Aged Care undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.28/04/20231/07/2024
Human Services (Medicare) (Medicare Programs) Amendment Specification 2023 [F2023L00522]The Department of Social Services undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.23/05/202323/05/2023
Federal Financial Relations (General Purpose Financial Assistance—2022-23 Payment No. 11) Determination 2023 [F2023L00559]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.19/07/202317/07/2024
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 46 of 2023 [F2023L00573]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202326/06/2023
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 41 of 2023 [F2023L00582]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202326/06/2023
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 42 of 2023 [F2023L00591]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202326/06/2023
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 43 of 2023 [F2023L00592]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202326/06/2023
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 44 of 2023 [F2023L00596]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202327/06/2023
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 45 of 2023 [F2023L00597]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202327/06/2023
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 39 of 2023 [F2023L00603]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202326/06/2023
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 40 of 2023 [F2023L00605]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.14/06/202326/06/2023
Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 7 of 2023 [F2023L00689]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns. 27/07/202326/09/2024
Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 8 of 2023 [F2023L00691]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.27/07/202326/09/2024
Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 9 of 2023 [F2023L00695]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.27/07/202326/09/2024
Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 2 of 2023 [F2023L00719]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/07/202326/09/2024
Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 4 of 2023 [F2023L00733]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.27/07/202326/09/2024
Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 5 of 2023 [F2023L00734]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.27/07/202326/09/2024
Health Insurance (prudential standard) determination No. 6 of 2023 [F2023L00738]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.27/07/202326/09/2024
Remuneration Tribunal (Departmental Secretaries—Classification Structure and Terms and Conditions) Determination (No. 1) 2023 [F2023L00761]The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet undertook to register the missing explanatory statement and provide an explanation to both houses. 17/07/202324/07/2023
Long Service Leave (Commonwealth Employees) Amendment (Recognising Transferring Employees) Regulations 2023 [F2023L00834The Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.27/07/202310/08/2023
Radiocommunications (Spectrum Licence Allocation—3.4/3.7 GHz Bands) Determination 2023 [F2023L00865]The Australian Communications and Media Authority undertook to issue a supplementary explanatory statement with the additional information requested for inclusion.16/08/202306/10/2023
Statement of Principles concerning peripheral neuropathy (Balance of Probabilities) (No. 73 of 2023) [F2023L00941]The Repatriation Medical Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument to address the committee's scrutiny concerns.18/08/202318/08/2023
Aviation Transport Security (Screening Officer Requirements) Determination 2023 [F2023L00962]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to amend the explanatory statement in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.08/09/202305/10/2023
Australian National University (Governance) Statute 2023 [F2023L00867]The minister advised that the Australian National University had undertaken to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.26/09/202302/07/2024
National Anti-Corruption Commission Regulations 2023 [F2023L00759]

The Attorney-General undertook to amend the explanatory statement in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.16/10/2023Outstanding

About this committee

The Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation assesses delegated legislation against a set of scrutiny principles that focus on compliance with statutory requirements, the protection of individual rights and liberties, and principles of parliamentary oversight.

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Committee Secretary
Senate Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773066