Index of undertakings 2022

The Index of Undertakings lists all implemented and outstanding undertakings made by ministers or agencies in response to concerns raised by the committee.

As part of its technical scrutiny of legislative instruments, the committee may engage with relevant agencies via its secretariat to resolve minor technical scrutiny concerns. Where, as a result of this engagement, an agency makes an undertaking to progress amendments to an explanatory statement or instrument, this undertaking is subject to ministerial approval.

The list includes all undertakings made from 1 July 2022, as well as previous undertakings that remained outstanding following the publication and tabling of Delegated Legislation Monitor 4 of 2022.

For further information about the committee's scrutiny concerns regarding the instruments listed below, please visit the Index of Instruments page.

Instrument name Undertaking Date made Date implemented
Part 133 (Australian Air Transport Operations—Rotorcraft) Manual of Standards 2020 [F2020L01614]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/04/202115/11/2022
Fisheries Levy (Torres Strait Prawn Fishery) Amendment (Levy Amount) Regulations (No. 2) 2020 [F2020L01620]The Department of Agriculture, Water Resources and the Environment undertook to revoke the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.16/03/202115/12/2022
Corporations Amendment (Corporate Insolvency Reforms) Regulation 2020 [F2020L01654]The Treasurer undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.09/04/202112/12/2022
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00200]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.21/05/202125/05/2023
Civil Aviation Legislation Amendment (Flight Operations—Consequential Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00200]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.08/06/202125/05/2023
Student Assistance Regulations 2021 [F2021L00201]The Minister for Families and Social Services undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.06/07/202131/03/2022
Student Assistance Regulations 2021 [F2021L00201]The Minister for Families and Social Services undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.06/07/202131/03/2022
Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 [F2021L00261]The Assistant Minister to the Attorney-General undertook to advise the committee of the outcome of the government's targeted review of the appropriateness of modifying provisions currently prescribed in the instrument.26/07/2021Withdrawn
Bankruptcy Regulations 2021 [F2021L00261]The Assistant Minister to the Attorney-General undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.17/08/2021Withdrawn
Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 [F2021L00488]The Department of Education, Skills and Employment undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.09/08/2021Outstanding
Industry Research and Development (Modern Manufacturing Initiative Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L00539]The Minister for Industry, Energy and Emissions Reduction undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/11/2021



Recycling and Waste Reduction (Product Stewardship—Televisions and Computers) Rules 2021 [F2021L00624]The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/202112/04/2022
Higher Education Provider Approval No 1 of 2021 [F2021L00747]The Department of Education, Skills and Employment undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/202119/08/2022
Higher Education Provider Approval No 1 of 2021 [F2021L00747]The Department of Education, Skills and Employment undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/202109/09/2022
ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Capital) 2021 [F2021L00765]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/08/202109/03/2022
Veterans' Entitlements (Counselling) Extended Eligibility Determination 2021 [F2021L00804]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.23/08/202118/05/2022
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Amendment (No-Anchoring Areas) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00843]The Minister for the Environment undertook to amend the principal instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.09/02/202230/08/2024
Higher Education Provider Approval No 2 of 2021 [F2021L00965]The Department of Education, Skills and Employment undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.16/09/202119/08/2022
Higher Education Provider Approval No 2 of 2021 [F2021L00965]The Department of Education, Skills and Employment undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.16/09/202109/09/2022
Migration Amendment (Subclass 417 and 462 Visas) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01030]The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.11/11/202104/03/2022
Financial Sector Reform (Hayne Royal Commission Response) (Hawking of Financial Products) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01080]The Assistant Treasurer undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.29/11/2022Outstanding
Taxation Administration (Data Sharing—Relevant COVID-19 Business Support Program) Declaration 2021 [F2021L01157]The Treasurer undertook to amend the principal instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/11/202116/03/2022
Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Vaccination Information) Principles 2021 [F2021L01236]The Department of Health undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.08/10/202131/03/2022
Taxation Administration (Data Sharing—Relevant COVID-19 Business Support Program) Amendment Declaration (No. 1) 2021 [F2021L01237]The Treasurer undertook to amend the principal instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/11/202116/03/2022
Veterans’ Entitlements (Point Cook Firefighters) Determination 2021 [F2021L01265]The Department of Veterans’ Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.03/12/202118/05/2022
Part 60 Manual of Standards Amendment Instrument 2021 (No. 1) [F2021L01303]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/11/202124/03/2022
Therapeutic Goods (Standards for Biologicals—General and Specific Requirements) (TGO 109) Order 2021 [F2021L01332]The Department of Health undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/11/202116/02/2022
Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Amendment Rules (No. 1) 2021 [F2021L01392]The Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.28/03/202230/03/2022
CASA EX83/21 – Part 121 and Part 91 of CASR – Supplementary Exemptions and Directions Instrument 2021 [F2021L01399]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/01/202214/12/2021
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 6) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01430]The Minister for Finance undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/04/202208/04/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01494]The Department of Finance undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.21/01/202208/04/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01495]The Department of Finance undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.21/01/202208/04/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Social Services Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01498]The Department of Finance undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.21/01/202208/04/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Prime Minister and Cabinet Measures No. 8) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01499]The Department of Finance undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.21/01/202208/04/2022
Customs (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Rules of Origin) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01503]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/01/202208/04/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications Measures No. 5) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01507]The Department of Finance undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.21/01/202208/04/2022
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 98/00 – Advanced Emergency Braking for Passenger Vehicles and Light Goods Vehicles) 2021 [F2021L01518]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.18/01/202224/08/2022
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 98/01 – Advanced Emergency Braking for Passenger Vehicles and Light Goods Vehicles) 2021 [F2021L01519]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.18/01/202223/08/2022
Competition and Consumer (Consumer Data Right) Amendment Rules (No. 2) 2021 [F2021L01561]The Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.28/03/202230/03/2022
Fair Work Act 2009 Direction to Inspectors (November 2021) [F2021L01585]The Fair Work Ombudsman undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.28/01/202213/05/2022
Customs (Prohibited Imports) Amendment (Commercial Importation of Kava as Food) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01615]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.08/02/202208/04/2022
Competition and Consumer Amendment (Consumer Data Right) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01617]The Assistant Treasurer undertook to amend the primary regulations in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.12/12/202201/09/2023
Comptroller-General of Customs (Warrants) Amendment Directions 2021 [F2021L01650]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.08/02/202231/03/2022
Comptroller (Warrants) Amendment Directions 2021 [F2021L01657]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.08/02/202231/03/2022
Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Rules Amendment Instrument 2021 (No. 2) [F2021L01658]The Attorney-General undertook to amend the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.18/11/202229/06/2023
Civil Aviation Order 95.12.1 (Exemptions from CAR and CASR — LSA Gyroplanes and ASRA-compliant Gyroplanes) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01663]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202229/09/2022
CASA EX145/21 – Amendment of CASA EX87/21 – Instrument 2021 (No. 1) [F2021L01671]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202228/02/2022
CASA EX150/21 – Amendment of CASA EX85/21 – Instrument 2021 [F2021L01675]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202228/02/2022
Australian Capital Territory National Land (Road Transport) Parking Authority Guidelines 2021 [F2021L01677]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.25/03/202213/07/2023
CASA EX149/21 – Amendment of CASA EX84/21 – Instrument 2021 [F2021L01679]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202228/02/2022
Civil Aviation Order (Flight Operations) Repeal and Amendment Instrument 2021 (No. 1) [F2021L01680]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202210/10/2022
Part 121 (Australian Air Transport—Larger Aeroplanes) Amendment Manual of Standards 2021 [F2021L01681]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202229/09/2022
CASA EX148/21 – Amendment of CASA EX83/21 – Instrument 2021 [F2021L01682]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202228/02/2022
CASA EX147/21 – Amendment of CASA EX82/21 – Instrument 2021 [F2021L01683]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202228/02/2022
CASA EX146/21 – Amendment of CASA EX81/21 – Instrument 2021 [F2021L01684]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202228/02/2022
CASA EX151/21 – Amendment of CASA EX86/21 – Instrument 2021 [F2021L01685]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202228/02/2022
Part 135 Manual of Standards Amendment Instrument 2021 (No. 1) [F2021L01687]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202210/10/2022
Part 133 Manual of Standards Amendment Instrument 2021 (No. 1) [F2021L01688]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202229/09/2022
Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Estimation of Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Using Measurement and Models) Methodology Determination 2021 [F2021L01696]The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.05/04/202205/09/2022
Part 149 (Approved Self-administering Aviation Organisations) Amendment Manual of Standards 2021 [F2021L01697]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/02/202210/10/2022
Industry Research and Development (Underwriting New Generation Investments Program) Instrument 2021 [F2021L01708]The Minister for Climate Change and Energy undertook to engage with the Minister for Industry and Science to repeal the instrument.12/10/202224/10/2022
Corporations (Relevant Providers—Education and Training Standards) Determination 2021  [F2021L01714]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/2022Withdrawn
Customs (Prohibited Imports) Amendment (Firearms and Weapons) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01761]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.22/02/202208/04/2022
Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Amendment (2021 Measures No. 1) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01768]The Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.30/09/202202/11/2022
Health Insurance (Quality Assurance Activity – Australian Vigilance and Surveillance System for Organ Donation for Transplantation) Declaration 2021 [F2021L01783]The Department of Health undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.24/03/202216/06/2022
Health Insurance (Quality Assurance Activity – Australian Vigilance and Surveillance System for Organ Donation for Transplantation) Declaration 2021 [F2021L01783]The Department of Health undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee’s scrutiny concerns.24/03/202217/06/2022
Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Industrial and Commercial Emissions Reduction) Methodology Determination 2021 [F2021L01789]The Department of Industry, Science and Resources undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.24/08/202205/09/2022
Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (2021 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01812]The Department of Health undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.15/03/202221/07/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Health Measures No. 9) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01823]The Minister for Finance undertook to amend the explanatory statement in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.19/10/202228/10/2024
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs Measures No. 4) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01824]The Minister for Home Affairs undertook to amend the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.26/08/202228/10/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Prime Minister and Cabinet Measures No. 11) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01825]The Minister for Indigenous Australians undertook to amend the explanatory statement in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.19/10/202216/12/2022
Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Small-Scale Renewable Energy Scheme Reforms and Other Measures) Regulations 2021 [F2021L01828]The Department of Industry, Science and Resources undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/202205/09/2022
CASA EX163/21 — The Corryong Hang Gliding Cup Instrument 2021 [F2021L01889]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.09/03/202207/04/2022
Trade Support Loans Legislation Amendment Instrument 2021 [F2021L01905]The Department of Education, Skills and Employment undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.23/03/202222/12/2022
CASA 114/21 — Exclusion from the Operation of Airworthiness Directives FAA AD 2021-23-12 and FAA AD 2021-23-13 Instrument 2021 [F2021L01909]The Civil Aviation Safety Authority undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.09/03/202210/03/2022
Therapeutic Goods (Permissible Ingredients) Determination (No. 1) [F2022L00031]The Department of Health undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.23/03/202205/04/2022
Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative—Animal Effluent Management) Methodology Determination Variation 2022 [F2022L00053]The Department of Industry, Science and Resources undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/202205/09/2022
Norfolk Island Applied Laws and Service Delivery (Queensland) Amendment Rules 2022 [F2022L00076]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.02/05/202213/09/2022
Australian Public Service Commissioner's Directions 2022 [F2022L00088]The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.18/05/202226/09/2022
Military Rehabilitation and Compensation (Special Assistance) Instrument 2022 [F2022L00122]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.25/03/202208/11/2022
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code (Agricultural Active Constituents) Standards 2022 [F2022L00137]The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment undertook to progress amendments to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.01/04/20228/05/2024
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals Code (Agricultural Active Constituents) Standards 2022 [F2022L00137]The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.01/04/20228/05/2024
Migration Amendment (Extension of Temporary Graduate and Skilled Regional Provisional Visas) Regulations 2022 [F2022L00151]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.02/05/202209/11/2022
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 3 of 2022 [F2022L00209]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/05/2024
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 4 of 2022 [F2022L00210]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 97/00 – Advanced Emergency Braking for Omnibuses, and Medium and Heavy Goods Vehicles) 2022 [F2022L00211]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.02/05/202224/08/2022
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 9 of 2022 [F2022L00212]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 35/07 – Commercial Vehicle Brake Systems) 2022 [F2022L00213]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.02/05/202224/08/2022
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 10 of 2022 [F2022L00214]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule 35/06 – Commercial Vehicle Brake Systems) 2018 Amendment 1 [F2022L00215]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.02/05/202224/08/2022
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 5 of 2022 [F2022L00217]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 1 of 2022 [F2022L00222]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 2 of 2022 [F2022L00223]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 6 of 2022 [F2022L00225]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 7 of 2022 [F2022L00227]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 8 of 2022 [F2022L00228]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/04/2024
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre Industry Contribution Determination 2022 (No. 1) [F2022L00237]The Department of Home Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.20/05/202223/11/2022
Tax Agent Services Regulations 2022 [F2022L00238]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/2022Withdrawn
Telecommunications (Infringement Notices) Guidelines 2022 [F2022L00250]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.03/05/202206/10/2022
ASIC Market Integrity Rules (Securities Markets) Amendment 2022/73 [F2022L00292]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.01/07/202208/09/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Home Affairs Measures No. 1) Regulations 2022  [F2022L00353]The Department of Finance undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.17/08/202215/12/2022
Financial Framework (Supplementary Powers) Amendment (Education, Skills and Employment Measures No. 2) Regulations 2022 [F2022L00358]The Department of Finance undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.17/08/202216/12/2022
Accounting Standard AASB 2022-1 Amendments to Australian Accounting Standards – Initial Application of AASB 17 and AASB 9 – Comparative Information [F2022L00398]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/05/202229/09/2023
Christmas Island Applied Laws Amendment (Heritage) Ordinance 2022 [F2022L00525]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.09/06/2022


Bankruptcy Amendment (Service of Documents) Regulations 2022 [F2022L00528]The Attorney-General undertook to amend the principal regulations in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.18/10/2022Outstanding
Social Security (Exempt Lump Sum – ACT Loose-Fill Asbestos Disease Support Scheme Payments) Determination 2022 [F2022L00581]The Department of Social Services undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.24/08/202213/10/2022
Auditing Standard ASA 600 Special Considerations—Audits of a Group Financial Report (Including the Work of Component Auditors) [F2022L00709]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.26/08/202230/05/2024
Remuneration Tribunal (Members of Parliament) Determination 2022  [F2022L00769]The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.08/09/202210/10/2022
National Health (Electronic National Residential Medication Chart Trial) Amendment (Transitional Conformant Software Systems) Special Arrangement [F2022L00799]The Department of Health and Aged Care undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.13/09/202214/12/2022
Taxation Administration Withholding Schedules 2022 [F2022L00819]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.06/09/202226/09/2022
Insurance (prudential standard) determination no. 2 of 2022 [F2022L00881]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/08/202229/09/2022
Insurance (prudential standard) determination no. 3 of 2022 [F2022L00882]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/08/202229/09/2022
Insurance (prudential standard) determination no. 4 of 2022 [F2022L00883]The Department of the Treasury undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.31/08/202229/09/2022
Veterans’ Affairs (Treatment Principles – Extend Support Provided Under the Psychiatric Assistance Dog Program) Amendment Determination 2022 [F2022L00921]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/09/2022Withdrawn
Veterans’ Affairs (Treatment Principles – Extend Support Provided Under the Psychiatric Assistance Dog Program) Amendment Determination 2022 [F2022L00921]The Department of Veterans' Affairs undertook to consider the committee's scrutiny concerns as part of a review of the Act.07/09/2022Withdrawn
Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Palliative Care Classification and Other Measures) Instrument 2022 [F2022L00979]The Department of Health and Aged Care undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.24/08/202201/09/2023
National Self-exclusion Register (Cost Recovery Levy) Determination 2022 [F2022L01073]The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.30/09/202224/11/2022
Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (2022 Measures No. 3) Regulations 2022 [F2022L01099]The Department of Health and Aged Care undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.27/09/202214/11/2022
National Health (Listing of Pharmaceutical Benefits) Amendment Instrument (No. 9) [F2022L01119]The Department of Health and Aged Care undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.30/09/202230/09/2022
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation (97E(1) – Premium Determination) Guidelines 2022 [F2022L01140]The Department of Social Services undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.26/09/202206/10/2022
Industry Fellowships Program (IFP) Grants Guidelines [F2022L01187]The Department of Education undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.21/11/202208/12/2022
Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Residential Aged Care Funding) Instrument 2022 [F2022L01276]The Department of Health and Aged Care undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.18/11/202201/07/2024
Hazardous Waste (Regulation of Exports and Imports) Legislation Amendment Regulations 2021 [F2021L01843]

The department undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.07/03/2022Withdrawn
Treasury Laws Amendment (Miscellaneous and Technical Amendments) Regulations 2021 [F2021L00848]

The department undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.12/08/2021Withdrawn
Ozone Protection and Synthetic Greenhouse Gas Management (Refrigerant Handling Licences— Qualifications and Standards) Determination 2024 [F2024L00944]

The department undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns under principle (k).20/09/2024Outstanding
Coronavirus Economic Response Package (Payments and Benefits) Amendment Rules (No. 10) 2021 [F2021L00305]

The department undertook to progress amendments to the explanatory statement to the instrument in response to the committee's scrutiny concerns.04/06/2021Withdrawn

About this committee

The Senate Standing Committee for the Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation assesses delegated legislation against a set of scrutiny principles that focus on compliance with statutory requirements, the protection of individual rights and liberties, and principles of parliamentary oversight.

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Committee Secretariat contact:

Committee Secretary
Senate Scrutiny of Delegated Legislation Committee
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 62773066