
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

14 February 2019

© Commonwealth of Australia 2019
ISBN 978-1-76010-894-6

View the report as a single document - (PDF 1679KB)

View the report as separate downloadable parts:

Committee Membership (PDF 25KB)
Recommendations (PDF 33KB)
Chapter 1 - Overview of the inquiry and the UN SDGs (PDF 530KB)

Conduct of the inquiry
Structure of the Report
Sustainable development and the Millennium Development Goals
Establishment of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda
Sustainable Development Goals
Addis Ababa Action Agenda

Chapter 2 - Benefits, opportunities and costs for Australia (PDF 167KB)

Alignment with Australian values
Potential benefits
Potential business opportunities
Potential costs

Chapter 3 - National governance structures and progress reporting (PDF 260KB)

Current approach to national coordination
National implementation plan
National coordination body
Integration of the SDGs by Australian Government agencies

Chapter 4 - Partnering with other levels of government (PDF 154KB)

International organisations
Supporting SDGs implementation across different levels of government
Examples of state and territory government implementation
Examples of local government implementation

Chapter 5 - Encouraging implementation of the SDGs beyond government (PDF 280KB)

Partnering with the private sector
Partnering with civil society
Level of awareness and understanding
Initiatives for increasing awareness and understanding

Chapter 6 - Supporting the SDGs through official development assistance (PDF 135KB)

Integration of the SDGs in Australia's aid program
Possible prioritisation of particular goals
Increasing Australia's support for the SDGs overseas

Chapter 7 - Conclusions and recommendations (PDF 55KB)

Potential benefits, opportunities and costs
Current situation
National government role
Increasing awareness and understanding
Partnerships with other levels of government
Partnerships with civil society and the private sector
Official development assistance

Dissenting Report from Coalition Senators (PDF 24KB)

The Federal Government's governance arrangements
Working with non-government stakeholders
Supporting the SDGs across the region
The focus of the United Nations
Concluding comments

Appendix 1 - Submissions (PDF 20KB)
Appendix 2 - Tabled documents, Additional information, Answers to questions on notice (PDF 12KB)

Tabled documents
Additional information
Answers to questions on notice

Appendix 3 - Public hearings and witnesses (PDF 20KB)

Friday 24 August 2018, Canberra Australian Capital Territory
Monday 29 October 2018, Melbourne Victoria
Friday 2 November 2018, Sydney New South Wales
Monday 26 November 2018, Canberra Australian Capital Territory
Friday 7 December 2018, Canberra Australian Capital Territory

Committee Secretariat contact:

Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee
Department of the Senate
PO Box 6100
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600

Phone: +61 2 6277 3535

About this inquiry

Inquiry into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Past Public Hearings

07 Dec 2018: Canberra
26 Nov 2018: Canberra
02 Nov 2018: Sydney
