Appendix 1 - Public submissions

Appendix 1 - Public submissions

1            Dr John P (Jack) Lonergan

1A         Dr John P (Jack) Lonergan

2            Maj (Ret'd) Alan Batchelor

2A         Maj (Ret'd) Alan Batchelor

3            Australian Nuclear Veterans Association Inc.

4            B.C.O.F. National Research, Commemorative & Welfare Association (A.C.T. Inc.)

5            Australian Student Environment Network

6            Mr George Dale Hess

7            Mr Adam Wolfenden

8            Friends of the Earth, Australia

8A         Friends of the Earth, Adelaide

9            Mr Patrick T Byrt

10          Ms Sue Rabbitt Roff

11          Mr Charles Norman Geschke

12          Mr Paul Langley

13          Dr Philip Crouch, Mr Rob Robotham and Dr Geoff Williams

14          Ms Cate Kyne

15          Pat Mackle

16          Ms Jacqui Caldwell

17          Mr Luke Digance

18          National Servicemen's Association of Australia

19          Mr Reuben E Lette

20          Regular Defence Force Welfare Association Inc.

21          Centre for Sustained Arid Towns

22          Mr Ian Batchelor

23          Ms Bettina Quatacker

24          Mr Adam Breasley

25          Chris White

26          Injured Service Persons Association (Peacetime Injuries)

27          RSL National Headquarters

28          Ms Ann Munslow-Davies

29          Australian Veterans and Defence Services Council Incorporated

30          Department of Veterans' Affairs

31          Ms Michele Madigan

32          Climate Change Action Group

33          Assoc Prof Tilman A Ruff, University of Melbourne

34          Atomic Ex Servicemen's Association A.C.T. Inc.

35          Mr Mathew Douglas Wright

36          Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

37          Mr Nick Pastalatzis

38          Australian Flying corps and Royal Australian Air Force Association National Council Inc.

39          Australian Federal Police

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