

Recommendation 1— Chapter 2, page 15

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence review all uniformed personnel listings at training and base support locations to ensure that:

Recommendation 2— Chapter 2, page 17

The Committee recommends that, as contracts expire, the Department of Defence review all base support commercial contracts to ensure that an ADF–wide standard of base support is provided and that a range of services, such as those included below, be provided as appropriate to each location. 

Recommendation 3— Chapter 2, page 15

The Committee recommends that future Defence reform should not be undertaken without:

Recommendation 4— Chapter 3, page 23

The Committee recommends that Headquarters DFRO be moved to co-locate with Defence Personnel Executive and the Headquarters of the Department of Defence at the Russell Office complex.

Recommendation 5— Chapter 3, page 25

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence develop a long-term strategic ADF marketing and advertising plan that supports recruiting by:

Recommendation 6— Chapter 3, page 32

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence, as a matter of priority, support and implement changes to streamline the current recruiting process as proposed by HQ DRFO:

Recommendation 7— Chapter 3, page 38

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence ensures that the training capacity of the three Services be bolstered to match the recruiting effort.

Recommendation 8— Chapter 4, page 40

The Committee recommends that the Head of Defence Personnel Executive be made a member of the Defence Committee.

Recommendation 9— Chapter 4, page 41

The Committee recommends the Department of Defence review its strategic framework for personnel management to include:

Recommendation 10 Chapter 4, page 43

The Committee recommends that aviation trades be structured to enable accreditation in the civil sector.

Recommendation 11 Chapter 4, page 43

The Committee recommends that, where recruits are due to undertake trade courses which lack civil accreditation, they be advised of the fact before commencing those courses and given the opportunity to transfer to an alternative course.

Recommendation 12 Chapter 4, page 44

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence review technical and non-technical trade training policies in the ADF to ensure that:

Recommendation 13 Chapter 4, page 47

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence review the manning of career management agencies to ensure a more equitable ratio of career managers to personnel and thereby improve career management procedures.

Recommendation 14 Chapter 4, page 47

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence develop an alternative career management policy for ADF personnel who are medically downgraded.

Recommendation 15 Chapter 4, page 47

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence review policies for the career management of specialist trades to enable:

Recommendation 16 Chapter 4, page 51

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence investigate and develop a new ADF personnel model with the following characteristics:

Recommendation 17 Chapter 5, page 57

The Committee recommends that the Government instigate a salary system for uniformed personnel that recognises their appointed responsibility in addition to rank, competency and experience.

Recommendation 18 Chapter 5, page 57

The Committee recommends that the Government review ADF benefits currently reported as fringe benefits on members’ payment certificates where those fringe benefits have an unintended and unfair effect on family-related benefits and payments.

Recommendation 19 Chapter 5, page 57

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence investigate and review its classification of remote locality postings in order to ensure a more equitable distribution of benefits.

Recommendation 20 Chapter 5, page 58

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence align the RLLT entitlement to match other government employee entitlements.

Recommendation 21 Chapter 5, page 59

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence investigate its spouse recognition policies to ensure they are equitable and aligned with other Government departments.

Recommendation 22 Chapter 5, page 63

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence review HPAS to ensure it provides equitable housing assistance to ADF members in all real estate regions of Australia.

Recommendation 23 Chapter 5, page 63

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence review the policy regarding own-home lease arrangements for ADF personnel to ensure they are not disadvantaged.

Recommendation 24 Chapter 5, page 63

The Committee recommends that Defence Housing Authority review its policy of selling old housing stock in established communities near bases and forcing Defence personnel to occupy housing considerable distance from their base.

Recommendation 25 Chapter 5, page 63

The Committee recommends that the Government conduct an independent survey to assess the level of customer satisfaction with the accommodation assistance provided by DHA and recommend improvements.

Recommendation 26 Chapter 5, page 67

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence review its strategic communication plan for conveying family support information to Defence families to ensure a consistent message and availability of information.

Recommendation 27 Chapter 5, page 67

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence adopt a mandatory pre-enlistment spouse induction program as part of the ADF recruiting process.

Recommendation 28 Chapter 5, page 67

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence ensure that all current and available resources are being used in the matter of spouse employment assistance and, as a matter of priority, investigate and implement additional lateral measures to provide spouse employment assistance.

Recommendation 29 Chapter 5, page 67

The Committee urges Commonwealth, State and Territory Education Ministers to reach consensus on the introduction of national standard school starting ages, standard grades and standard handwriting requirements.

Recommendation 30 Chapter 5, page 69

The Committee recommends that the Government apply a concession to the Superannuation rules of MSBS to allow ADF personnel to access member and employer benefits as either lump sums or indexed pensions at the mandatory retiring age.

Recommendation 31 Chapter 5, page 69

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence amend the rules governing continuous service and eligibility for the MSBS Retention Benefit in the case of Maternity Leave.

Recommendation 32 Chapter 6, page 74

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence retain and develop the capacity for ‘direct to unit’ Army Reserve recruiting.

Recommendation 33 Chapter 6, page 74

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence investigate and introduce an incentive program to encourage Reserve service following full-time service.

Recommendation 34 Chapter 6, page 78

The Committee recommends that the Department of Defence restructure the manning, equipment and training of the Army Reserve to match the new roles and tasks outlined by Project Army 2003, taking into account the difficulties for recruitment and retention of CIT training.

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