Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference

  1. That the following matter be referred to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee for inquiry and report by 27 September 2001:
    Whether the current recruitment and retention strategies of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) are effective in meeting the organisation’s personnel requirements (including reserves).
  2. That, in considering these terms of reference, the Committee examine and report on the following issues:
    1. whether the current recruitment system is meeting, and will continue to meet, the needs of the ADF;
    2. the impact of the Defence Reform Program on retention levels and recruiting;
    3. the impact of changes to ADF conditions of service, pay and allowances on retention and recruitment of personnel;
    4. current levels and categories of specialist personnel in the ADF compared to the organisation’s requirements;
    5. the impact of current career management practices on retention of personnel;
    6. any other issues, reasonably relevant to the terms of reference but not referred to above, which arise in the course of the inquiry.

(Note: on 27 September 2001, the Senate extended the reporting date to the last day of this Parliament)

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